Buff Brahma Bantams opinions needed.


9 Years
Nov 30, 2010
Anyone have an opinion on Buff Brahma Bantams? I have the option of buying a few, and I am not sure. How is their laying abilities? Are they tempermental? Any personal opinions on them?
I have an accidental buff brahma bantam hen in my flock of LF brahmas. Maggie was s'pose to be LF too; guess it was an oops! at the hatchery.
As a youngster she was a bit skittish and bossy with her sisters, but she's matured into a sweet hen. She lays as well as my LF brahma girls, which is to say very good and especially in the wintertime. Her eggs are only slightly smaller than the big girls.
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hmm, glad to hear. I am mainly interested in good egg production. we don't like too many free loaders in the chicken department here.

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