Buff Orpington & Ameraucana: Tips for them to start laying.


9 Years
Oct 4, 2013
So I have a Buff Orpington hen & an Ameraucana hen, both are approx. 24 weeks old. These are my first pair of chickens, so I'm curious about what to expect. Neither has started laying, and I was wondering if there were ways to coax it along, because based on research I have done, they are getting on the late side. It is fall, & the daylight hours are minimizing, should I set up a lamp for them to have some artificial light? My buff looks very mature. She is large & has a full red comb, she definitely looks ready. My Americauna is much smaller and still has a pink nub of a comb, although I've noticed that breed doesn't seem to develop a pronounced comb and wattle. Any tips from what to expect from my two ladies and ideas to jumpstart their reproductive cycle?
Patience. 24 weeks isn't that old to start laying. Neither of those breeds are particularly fast maturing, and 24 weeks wouldn't be that long even if they were. I know of one Ameraucana who did not start til she was a year old.

A light might (or might not) increase the number of eggs they lay in winter, but it won't start them laying any sooner. That is a matter of genetics and hormones. Actually, a light at night may interfere with their rest and therefore be somewhat stressful. Stress can cause a decrease in laying, or laying to stop.
I wouldn't worry, however I have had these breeds and mine always lay between 20-22 weeks. My EE laid at 18 weeks last year. I have never had any breed (RIR,BR, Buff O's, Wyandottes, Sex Link, EEs Welsummers) not begin laying from 20-22 weeks. I have always starting lighting on Aug. 15th however & never fed anything but chick feed and a little grass until at least 14-15 weeks, when I might give them a little scratch. I'm surprised so many have such late layers.

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