I don't get how you people REALLY don't like Buff Orpingtons! How can you say no to those fluffbutts?!
There’s just so many prettier birds out there…

Phew, this place got busy overnight! Get ready for another influx of Buff Orpington love threads again. 🤭 I promise, Buff Orpingtons aren't going to go extinct because a hand full of people dislike them! If that was all it took, then naked necks like this little darling would be a thing of the past.

nn bantam curious.jpg

I’m concerned if your vomit is deep reddish orange like that 🤣 she is gorgeous! 😤

I have to agree, here... That color's more like cecal poop than like vomit. 🤔

His tail is way too dang high 🤣

(Psst, I'm pretty sure he's crouched / leaning forward and that's why it looks like his tail is so high ;) )

Normqlly when I do these posts I try to keep them all one color to prevent color biases, but I couldn’t find them all uniform so just try and focus on body shape.


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Hatchery English:

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Hatchery Australian:

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Hatchery American:

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Honestly, pictures don't do them justice, either. Seeing these giant birds in person is an entire experience of its own. They are MASSIVE with so much floof that they need two cages in show instead of just one. Even the American Orpingtons are awe-inspiringly BIG and fluffy in show. 😍

I don't get how you people REALLY don't like Buff Orpingtons! How can you say no to those fluffbutts?!

Because they're an unpleasant color that I don't like, and I have plenty of much fluffier butts of my own without having to see a color I find unappealing every day. :)

Like my Cochins :love

Washburne and Juniper butts.jpg
This is for anyone who hates buff Orpingtons to rant about them. This is strictly BUFF Orps. Not Orpingtonss in general. Though I don’t mind if you rant about all orpingtons. ;)

But if you like most Orps, just not buff, you are welcome here too.

If you are a buff Orpington LOVER do NOT come here and get angry or call us stupid for hating buff Orps. I’m all for bickering. But if you wish to argue about why buff Orpingtons are great please make your own thread and tag me in it. I will even link it in this post for others who want to bicker.

If you love buff Orps this is not the thread for you and go show your love for those vomit Orpingtons in this thread: https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/calling-all-buff-orpington-lovers.1408941/

Now don’t be fooled. I don’t hate all Orpingtons. Just buff Orps and hatchery Orpingtonss. Buff Hatchery Orpingtons being the worst of both worlds. I would die for a English lavender cuckoo Orp, or and English Blue Laced, Or really any English Orpington that isn’t buff. Especially if they are @ColtHandorf ‘s English Orps. :drool

***Adding Buff Orpington Rant to Beginning Post***

My complaints about Buff Orpingtons:
  1. Solid Buff is UGLY. Not just on Orps. But on all breeds in general.
  2. I HATE when people call their Buff Orpingtons “buffs“ “buffies” “buff” “Buffy” etc... Orpingtons aren’t the only breeds that come in buff you know. :rolleyes:
  3. I HATE HATE HATE. When people are looking for breed recommendation and people say “Buff Orpingtons” why not just say “Orpington?” The color doesn’t change the breed you know.
  4. The common hatchery Orps have ZERO fluff. Orpingtons are suppose to be a fluffy breed but instead you get skinny non fluffy things that look like this 🤮: View attachment 2577065
  5. They are way overrated. Too much hype for what most people call “Buff Orps“ are really just hatchery production birds far from what an actual Orpington should be.

Oh em gee this thread is going to crack me up I can just tell. Now check it, I am a newbie to ALL of this and have fallen in love with what is more than likely the NOTION of the BO (cause like I said I don't know nothing). To add insult to injury I purchased my four from TSC :lau (with their mediocre selves). Ha.

On the other hand now I really can't wait to see what they turn out to be/look like as they grow to maturity. You got me wondering about the "real" variety though. Where can one get some of those if the hatchery production store variety are busters?

K, I'm off to read the other comments. Buff orpington haters, what a hoot!!!
Phew, this place got busy overnight! Get ready for another influx of Buff Orpington love threads again. 🤭 I promise, Buff Orpingtons aren't going to go extinct because a hand full of people dislike them! If that was all it took, then naked necks like this little darling would be a thing of the past.

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I have to agree, here... That color's more like cecal poop than like vomit. 🤔

(Psst, I'm pretty sure he's crouched / leaning forward and that's why it looks like his tail is so high ;) )

Honestly, pictures don't do them justice, either. Seeing these giant birds in person is an entire experience of its own. They are MASSIVE with so much floof that they need two cages in show instead of just one. Even the American Orpingtons are awe-inspiringly BIG and fluffy in show. 😍

Because they're an unpleasant color that I don't like, and I have plenty of much fluffier butts of my own without having to see a color I find unappealing every day. :)

Like my Cochins :love

View attachment 3194258
Amen to that, it is onnne uggggly bird. Yuk.

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