*Buff Orpington Thread!*

our 15 week old buff
Anybody ever had a chicken with a protruding intestines? Took her to the vet who thought she might have coccidiosis(?) but the fecal sample came back clean with no diseases of any kind in my BOs. They wanted to euthanize her but I just couldn't. Vet put her on an antibiotic since the maggots got up inside her and there was infection. Also on some pain medication. Anybody have any other advice? They told me to push her intestines back in twice a day and I do that and then hold paper towels there to keep in in as long as possible. She's been absolutely wonderful through all this. Love my Buff Orpingtons. Never had chickens as sweet and docile as these. She takes her pain medication with no fuss and the antibiotics are in her water. Any ideas how this could have happened or any other things I can do for her. Her name is Gertrude.
Are the intestines coming out of her vent or somewhere else? If it's somewhere else, like her abdomen, it's probably a rupture that got busted open by another bird. Ruptures like that happen a lot in hogs. It isn't a death sentence for the hog unless it gets torn open.
So, I know, or I've read, the male buffs feather out slower, but my chicks will be 6 weeks old Monday, my female BO and my female SS are fully feathered. I want to put them outside, but he's still not feathered out. When do they get fully feathered???
Anybody ever had a chicken with a protruding intestines?  Took her to the vet who thought she might have coccidiosis(?) but the fecal sample came back clean with no diseases of any kind in my BOs.  They wanted to euthanize her but I just couldn't.  Vet put her on an antibiotic since the maggots got up inside her and there was infection.  Also on some pain medication.  Anybody have any other advice?  They told me to push her intestines back in twice a day and I do that and then hold paper towels there to keep in in as long as possible.  She's been absolutely wonderful through all this.  Love my Buff Orpingtons.  Never had chickens as sweet and docile as these.  She takes her pain medication with no fuss and the antibiotics are in her water.  Any ideas how this could have happened or any other things I can do for her.  Her name is Gertrude.
You say there were maggots. Is the hole below her vent? If so, she could have had a buildup of poop there that got sore and attracted maggots. I'm so sorry about her. I am positive you will lose her, but I wish you the best.

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