building paradise for the birds

glad to see your still watching deb...hope all is going well for you can see ive been slacking...but picking up the pace now....have alot to make up for...

I read it all. Love your adventure. I dont live in your environment and am stunned as to how well those birds of yours do in the snow. I used to feel they were hot weather birds... I am Talking pheasants here... I know the chickens are good even if they might complain....

I get snow here in the desert but it only lasts overnight or at most 72 hours a stretch. So my main winter issue is Wind... Were talking batten down the hatches bungee the trash cans ... lids to can and can to fence.... Hold your glasses if you have them or have a sports loop on the back.

I am still trying to figure out how to roof the new coop without having to climb a ladder.... I am tired of Tarps.

All moot anyway till I can move back home.

well got some more work done....chicken coop cleaned out new straw put down...both greenhouses that have the peafowl cleaned with new straw....and a bunch done on the hoop coop
here are some pics
the last batch of birds

and then there was a hoop coop

this thing is solid...every piece of wood that is added makes this thing like a tank....the only problem i see so far is joining the two panels in the middle with hog rings....i think i need to find a smaller hog rings...

well hope everyone enjoys the jotting down the specs so i know each time i build one of these the angles and how big each one would be for boards...that way it goes up quicker the second and third time...and im not sure how i feel yet about the horse panels instead of the cattle panels..i dont have to run wire over it cause each section is 2x4" you can imagine how heavy this thing is....getting excited tho...this is a never ending project here at the hobby coming week im getting fly tie chickens and quail for the that means more pens and more space....also moving the trio of peafowl into their new coop....ahhh....ok im done...have a wonderful day/night
well got some more work done....chicken coop cleaned out new straw put down...both greenhouses that have the peafowl cleaned with new straw....and a bunch done on the hoop coop
here are some pics
the last batch of birds

and then there was a hoop coop

this thing is solid...every piece of wood that is added makes this thing like a tank....the only problem i see so far is joining the two panels in the middle with hog rings....i think i need to find a smaller hog rings...

well hope everyone enjoys the jotting down the specs so i know each time i build one of these the angles and how big each one would be for boards...that way it goes up quicker the second and third time...and im not sure how i feel yet about the horse panels instead of the cattle panels..i dont have to run wire over it cause each section is 2x4" you can imagine how heavy this thing is....getting excited tho...this is a never ending project here at the hobby coming week im getting fly tie chickens and quail for the that means more pens and more space....also moving the trio of peafowl into their new coop....ahhh....ok im done...have a wonderful day/night

you can also lace them using safety wire or something around between sixteen and fourteen gauge... You know what we used to call Baling Wire... I use zip ties temporarily as place holders to hold wire up while working the other end. Or to clamp stuff togeter till I get the right fasteners... I leave em on even after I put the perminant fasteners on

well got some more work done....chicken coop cleaned out new straw put down...both greenhouses that have the peafowl cleaned with new straw....and a bunch done on the hoop coop
here are some pics
the last batch of birds

and then there was a hoop coop

this thing is solid...every piece of wood that is added makes this thing like a tank....the only problem i see so far is joining the two panels in the middle with hog rings....i think i need to find a smaller hog rings...

well hope everyone enjoys the jotting down the specs so i know each time i build one of these the angles and how big each one would be for boards...that way it goes up quicker the second and third time...and im not sure how i feel yet about the horse panels instead of the cattle panels..i dont have to run wire over it cause each section is 2x4" you can imagine how heavy this thing is....getting excited tho...this is a never ending project here at the hobby coming week im getting fly tie chickens and quail for the that means more pens and more space....also moving the trio of peafowl into their new coop....ahhh....ok im done...have a wonderful day/night
That's just one 16 foot panel there forming the hoop right?? I'm just not seeing how you could have 16 panel forming a high enough hoop across a 10 foot space that's high enough that you can easily walk in under it.
im 5'7" and i can walk in without a problem...gotta love being short...and if i place it on an elevated platform it will make the top even higher...which i will put a 2x12 box under and level and then secure the unit onto it and then fill up a bit to level with sand....
the unit is 101 inches by 120 inches...the 101 part is where the wood is ....the 120 is where two 60 inch panels are bent to form the hoop...its prolly 6 foot to center but will measure it see exact
im 5'7" and i can walk in without a problem...gotta love being short...and if i place it on an elevated platform it will make the top even higher...which i will put a 2x12 box under and level and then secure the unit onto it and then fill up a bit to level with sand....
I'm 6'4" and would kinda want something that would give me enough head room to get to most of the coop. how high is it at the peak??
Awesome thread - thanks for sharing your birds and great facility. Great ideas for new pens. Thanks! They are lucky to have you as a "Dad". I subscribed so I will stay in touch. I also have peas and am looking forward to a great breeding season. I have Indian Blues as well as Whites. They are separated so colors will remain true. I enjoy them.... and love to cuddle with them.
I'm 6'4" and would kinda want something that would give me enough head room to get to most of the coop. how high is it at the peak??

i would say its about 6' i would recommend if you were to build something like this...just do what deb (perchie) says...just make a base that is a couple feet could easily stick 4x4s in the ground cement them and put a two foot high box underneath the coop and you would have 7-8 feet depending on how far you stuck it in the ground...

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