Bullied 4 Month Old Chicken with Cloudy Eyes


In the Brooder
7 Years
May 23, 2012
I'm starting a new thread regarding my 4 month old Rhode Island White as I think the first may have lead things down the wrong path.

I have 39 chickens, 13 that are 4 months old, 26 that are older. I combined the flocks about a week ago. They were in an area where they could see each other through chicken wire but did not have access to each other. Most of them have integrated just fine, but the one 4 month old has been getting bullied by the older chickens a lot. When it is housed with only some of the other 4 month old chickens it is up and about, however when it's around the older chickens it lays down and hides. It gets bullied by at least a few of the older chickens, but the others don't.

It now has a slightly cloudy pupil,in both eyes. I'm attaching pictures, however it's a bit difficult to see the cloudy pupil unless you look very close in the picture. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Thank You


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It looks like the chicken is blind in both eyes. Does anyone know if there could be any circumstances that it would have the cloudiness in the eyes and have the blindness be temporary? Any suggestions on what I should do next? Right ow I have the chicken separated from the others.
I had a speckled sussex last year that developed cloudy/gray iris in both eyes at around 3 months old. The other chickens picked on it like they knew something was wrong with it. I separated it but it became totally blind very quickly. I thought it might have been Marek's, but it didn't have any of the other symptons. The other birds that had been with it never developed any problems. I was hoping the blindness would go away but it didn't, and the chicken died within a week. The total time it took from the cloudy eyes to death was about 2 weeks. I should have taken it to the poultry lab to have it autopsied, but I buried it instead. Don't know if this helps, but I didn't see any other responses...

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