Bumblefoot Question

Amy Weaver

Aug 14, 2020
One of my girls had bumblefoot about three weeks ago. We cut out the kernel and I've kept it wrapped with Vetricyn and antibiotic ointment since (changing it every three days or so). There's a black scab on the bottom, but no swelling. Should I continue to keep it wrapped? Will the black scab go away?
One of my girls had bumblefoot about three weeks ago. We cut out the kernel and I've kept it wrapped with Vetricyn and antibiotic ointment since (changing it every three days or so). There's a black scab on the bottom, but no swelling. Should I continue to keep it wrapped? Will the black scab go away?
The black scab is the return of the Bumblefoot. I’ve been battling it for two years so I can’t tell you how to get rid of it but I can tell you with confidence you didn’t get rid of it either.
The black scab is the return of the Bumblefoot. I’ve been battling it for two years so I can’t tell you how to get rid of it but I can tell you with confidence you didn’t get rid of it either.

Okay, good to know. We'll do another surgery procedure tomorrow. I'll have the husband cut deeper into the pad and we'll be sure to flush it like crazy and pack the hell out of it with Neosporin.

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