
Sep 6, 2020
Hi all,

I noticed a couple of days ago one of my male Aylesbury ducks had begun limping on his left foot and inspected to find what I presume is bumblefoot. Since then I’ve been soaking in Epsom salt but it seems to be rock hard and deep seated in his foot, now leaving a hole. He seems content in himself apart from the limping and he will occasionally lift his leg to relieve the pressure. Would you advise me to continue with what I’m doing or take him to the vets? He’s been staying indoor too to keep the bandaging dry and as clean as possible :)


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I’m not a duck expert. The duck expert around here is @Isaac 0. He should come and help you soon. But here is a link where you can read about bumble foot
Thread 'Bumblefoot Information ( In progress)'
I’m not an expert on ducks, I wouldn’t go touching it or anything until someone more knowledgeable comes along. But I thought this link would at least provide you with somewhere to read what bumble foot is.
I’m not a duck expert. The duck expert around here is @Isaac 0. He should come and help you soon. But here is a link where you can read about bumble foot
Thread 'Bumblefoot Information ( In progress)'
I’m not an expert on ducks, I wouldn’t go touching it or anything until someone more knowledgeable comes along. But I thought this link would at least provide you with somewhere to read what bumble foot is.
I was too concerned about the limping to leave it and have taken him to the vet this morning. She said it was quite a severe case and he’s now on antibiotics and if it does heal there might be a deformity to that toe as it has gone quite deep and his leg is swollen. Fingers crossed these antibiotics work. I’m bathing his feet in epsom salt and iodine for 30mins twice a day. Keeping him bandaged up and currently looking for duck booties though they seem to as scarce as gold dust! Fingers crossed 🤞🏻


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I was too concerned about the limping to leave it and have taken him to the vet this morning. She said it was quite a severe case and he’s now on antibiotics and if it does heal there might be a deformity to that toe as it has gone quite deep and his leg is swollen. Fingers crossed these antibiotics work. I’m bathing his feet in epsom salt and iodine for 30mins twice a day. Keeping him bandaged up and currently looking for duck booties though they seem to as scarce as gold dust! Fingers crossed 🤞🏻
I’m glad you took him to the vet. I hope the antibiotics work for him. Wishing both of you the best.
Okay new issue! He’s an absolute NIGHTMARE to get these tablets down, just when his beak calms in the palm of my hand and I think he’s swallowed it he does the speediest chew and spits it out across the floor. This morning I’ve opted to crush them and then roll some defrosted peas in the tablet powder as a coating, that’s okay right? Does anyone have any tips as to how I can actually get him to swallow them? I hope my alternative method means he ingests enough!
Okay new issue! He’s an absolute NIGHTMARE to get these tablets down, just when his beak calms in the palm of my hand and I think he’s swallowed it he does the speediest chew and spits it out across the floor. This morning I’ve opted to crush them and then roll some defrosted peas in the tablet powder as a coating, that’s okay right? Does anyone have any tips as to how I can actually get him to swallow them? I hope my alternative method means he ingests enough!
I’m not an expert, but what your doing sounds like the best option. If it comes to him not having them at all, or not eating it all, him not eating it all but most of it would be the best option.
I’m not an expert, but what your doing sounds like the best option. If it comes to him not having them at all, or not eating it all, him not eating it all but most of it would be the best option.
I know bread isn’t the best for ducks though I’m using seeded which is marginally better... I found a thread which says to mould the bread around the tablet and it’s a success thank goodness! 😁 his duck booties should be arriving tomorrow morning 😌
I know bread isn’t the best for ducks though I’m using seeded which is marginally better... I found a thread which says to mould the bread around the tablet and it’s a success thank goodness! 😁 his duck booties should be arriving tomorrow morning 😌
I’m glad it’s working for him. As long as your not giving him heaps of bread it should be fine. It’s just not a regular snack. In the end of the day if it came to him eating a bit of bread to try and save his life. Or not eating the bread, then not eating the tablet, and likely not making it, I think you’d just give him a bit of bread.
Gooood morning from mud!! We’ve discovered a new method which is burying the tablet in a blueberry which is much more nutritious for him and.. not so much of a hassle for me 😁 he’s outside now having his strict 1 hour with the others before he comes back in for his soak.


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