

12 Years
Mar 18, 2007
Watertown, Tennessee
I'm having a problem with neighbors. They are living in campers with no septic systems. They were running a wood lot. Well, we got that shut down and now they are mad. They are being made to clean up their property and are burning 24 hours a day. What they are burning is damp, moldy, fungus wood chips. They don't burn they just smoulder. They have been doing this for along time but have stepped it up now that they are mad. They are starting 3 and 4 fires at a time and starting them where they know it will blow our way. The smoke just hangs over our house. This last week I ended up with a lung infection and in the ER. I've had poultry die from lung issues. I've called everyone but am told it's legal because its wood debris. I just don't know what to do.
I am so sorry - again someone's life is made miserable by unthinking/uncaring neighbors. I always wonder if those type of people were brought up that way by their parents? All of us that have children need to remember to teach our children how to live with others - thinking of them and remembering the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. I read many of these posts to my kids and we talk about them. I want my children to think through the ramifications of their actions to others.

Anyway - sorry to ramble there: I would suggest you go to your local Health Department. If you can show proof of your health issue and your chickens maybe they will look into the toxidity of the smoke. I don't know ... just a thought.
First phone call is to your local enviormental health department. No septic, No Stay! Second phone call is the fire department. Be sure that the first thing you tell them is that it is not an emergency!!!! but that you think it might have gotten close to getting out of control a couple times and could they speak with them about proper burning and maybe that will help get the point. If that doesn't fix it even though burning is legal smoke can still be considered a nuisence (spelled that wrong) and it is a matter for the police.

Good luck
They have a tree cutting service drop all the wood off. They cut it, split it, and chip the branches. They sell the wood for fire wood. The bugs, snakes, and rats were unbelievable. They had already been kicked out of one place by their neighbors then relocated here. We have made all the phone calls. They can pretty much do what they want untill we go to court. I'll post a link to the news story.
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Ugh. Looks like your only option is to take them to court for damages to your health, in which case you will need a lot of documentation that you are sick because of their burning woodchips. And then, you will probably only get compensation for any medical bills not paid by insurance, maybe time lost at work. But do you really think you will see a thin dime from them? Maybe an attorney could light a fire under the county's behind, negligence in enforcing the health code leading to your illness? Are there any state EPA enforcement laws they are violating by burning stuff?

Seems like that lady is bound and determined not to be a decent neighbor no matter what. She seems to have it stuck in her mind that owning land means you can trash it, and everything around it, as much as you please with no thought to city, county, state laws or your neighbors' goodwill.
Oh my gosh, that could hurt you REALLY bad. THAT MAKES ME SOOO MAD!!! Did you tell them that you had a lung infection due to the junk in the smoke?
- All of these are to them.

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