BYC Café

To be fair, it's supposed to get above freezing here tomorrow. But that just means a chance of freezing rain :th

I'll take snow over freezing rain any day. We're supposed to be getting 3 days of snow this week. If you get that freezing nastiness, be careful going out!
I'll take snow over freezing rain any day. We're supposed to be getting 3 days of snow this week. If you get that freezing nastiness, be careful going out!

Agreed! There is a weather alert out, but just looks like snow right now. And I don't plan on going anywhere being sick. I would have gone to playgroup this morning which isn't far, but not really fair to potentially spread my germs around.
So it's a t.v. day. Hopefully I don't ruin my toddler for life :rolleyes:.

Though the wood pile wasn't re-stacked this weekend, so I have to go out anyway:thPlus check the chicken water for ice. I still haven't gotten a heated bowl or deicer yet :oops:
I built this, just need to cut the metal for the top.

The aluminum pan was $1.50 at the dollar store, the socket with an on off switch was $5. online. The rest was scraps, and a lightbulb i had.
Morning all

How's the poop heater working for you CF?
Well it is 51 outside , but the compost never seemed to warm up. My biggest battle seems to be getting the stupid waterers open. They modified them so they don't fall open but with my old hands and the carpal tunnel surgery i had it is a fight.
I made this as well.

Just need to cut the metal top and i will be all set.

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