BYC Café

Just not in Football! I think he will be topping out at around 5'10' and 150 lbs during his prime football career. He should stick with wrestling.....

Yes, house pics! I have some unfinished house pics too

Alright, maybe the house is done but I am still working on their pen and I am standing in it with the fences still to be moved out.
The mornings are getting crisp and the coffee is feeling better. (because it doesn't like being hot in the heat)
Howdy everybody!
Have a great Friday!
Thanks DD. Jobs are really scarce around here and he has applied for so many. I hope he gets it just so he isn't disappointed again. We'll know by the middle of next week. So until then
Good morning! Another sunny day in store for us. DH out hunting. I am sore today, too much weed whacking with the saw blade attachment. Had to trim back some of the wild roses in the pastures.
NFchick, I too hope your DH gets this job. It has to be very frustrating.
Enjoy the weekend!

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