BYC Café

Thank you, I just ordered that book along with a fleece tug for the dog!

Speaking of which, I have got to start making things. Do you have any idea how much money I could make? Especially pet products haha

Aw no :(

I'm torn between "start tomorrow?" And "try to stay strong, it's only an hour!" :lau :hugs

Awesome! I hope it gives you some inspiration! I think the key is learning to cook - then working on what you're cooking .
Although some stuff is easy - like throwing a red pepper into your scrambled eggs in the morning :drool

Oh, and I totally gave in at the last minute and had a piece of pizza - but its sugar I'm avoiding anyway. And will be trying to limit any non-homemade breads for that reason.
For dinner I had a spinach salad with roasted beets, avocado, bacon, little bit of cheese, with a simple balsamic dressing. So I feel ok about the slice of pizza lol
Thanks for the coffee!
Much needed this morning, I'm stuck in a chair with my snuggly toddler this morning. I suspect he might be sick, or maybe just extremely tired.
So... today's plans are on hold.
I know this sort of thing drives a lot of parents nuts, but I know the cuddle days are so limited I don't mind so much.
Plus I managed to get my coffee up here so we're all good.
Ew, aw that sucks Cap!
I have yet to get posion ivy - ot if I have it wasn't bad. My poor sister is extra sensitive and has had really terrible outbreaks. I hpho you heal up soon!
I wish I could do work outside; winter is holding on with a death grip here.
I could avoid it if the leaves were out, but i pick up sticks daily, sometimes just as i am walking to and from coops. Once in a while i get a piece of dead ivy vine.

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