BYC Café

Morning Cafe
Thanks for the cup of Joe, Sour and Margie.
Hope you both have a productive and exciting day.

Cap - Your going to be over run with quail, :fl lucky you!

Penny - Wishing the best for your 4 littles.

Not much going on today, except more pheasant wrangling...may take pics if I think about it, usually just want to get the little boogers moved, that's enough frustration for 1 day!:gig
Make it a Great Day everyone!
Morning Cafe
Thanks for the cup of Joe, Sour and Margie.
Hope you both have a productive and exciting day.

Cap - Your going to be over run with quail, :fl lucky you!

Penny - Wishing the best for your 4 littles.

Not much going on today, except more pheasant wrangling...may take pics if I think about it, usually just want to get the little boogers moved, that's enough frustration for 1 day!:gig
Make it a Great Day everyone!
I would love to see pictures of your set up if you get time. Good luck wrangling!
Good morning, Café. Coffee is brewed. Another field trial day for the Princess and me.

Great vibes for a great trial need to pull it together go check on my peeps
I gave 3 healthy peeps one not so healthy to my silky Mom they have proved they are great moms I am feeling allot better with them there not in my sewing room with a heat lamp
DS$ got second in Greco and freestyle just starting.
Very productive day, bought a used flatbed trailer, 25 ft gn double axle for hauling hay, logs, tractor and whatever else we can figure out. Turns out we knew the guy with the trailer; our sons are in the same club! Too funny and very small world strikes again. No new babies yet...

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