BYC Café

Thank you for the birthday wishes. I have not been active on this thread lately. I've been a bit overwhelmed, due to getting my daughter, and grandchildren moved in. 3 very young children will wear out 3 adults, especially when 2 of the adults are getting up in age. One of them has officially hit peak terrible twos stage.

In the meantime, we had to get 1 transferred to their new school, enroll another that was just starting school, do all the shopping for school supplies, clothes, etc. I simply didn't have time, or energy to keep up on all the threads. Things are just beginning to get on a more even keel, so I hope I'll be able to do better shortly.

Good luck GAC, things will settle down. I know of what you speak :)

I hope you had a good birthday though, some down time to relax too.

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