BYC Café

Exactly what I've been reading.
I'm not saying Covid-19 isn't serious because it is. But it's being blown way out of proportion. You can't know the true statistics of either of these diseases unless every member of the population is tested so you know exactly how many have contracted it and how many have died from the disease.

I think grinding the planet to a halt every time a virus is causing disease might be a tad overkill.

I hope that something good does come from all this... but I doubt it.

The pollution levels are at an all time low. Will we try to encourage this to continue?

People are being more cognizant of wastefulness because they suddenly can't just traipse to the corner store for whatever their little hearts desire. They aren't throwing things out. They are reusing. Will we continue this??

People are now reacting to the true no-see-ums that can kill you and how our own behavior and selfishness can cause the death of another. Will we, as a global society, start to think more of others vs. just ourselves?

I don't consider myself a pessimist but a realist and I think the answer to all of my questions is "No. We won't." Because this too shall pass and most people will go right back to the way things were before. A very small percentage of the population may alter their behavior but I don't think it will make any meaningful impact.

I have always been cognizant of other people and their needs. Of course, I attribute this to my mom and dad, as this is how I was raised. My parents lived through the depression in the 30's. I was taught to not be wasteful and to make sure I had extra in reserve. I sure that is why I haven't had the need for TP or cleaning products. I am trying to change my cleaning products to the natural products.
Good morning, Café! It's a beautiful morning and I'll be enjoying a cup of tea soon enough. Today I'll be video-chatting my long distance family and also attempt to finish up my coop project that's been in the works for about a year now.

Tonya, sorry to hear that the weather is bad. And I agree with you that once everything blows over people with generally go back to their regular habits. They say it takes 30 days to break a habit, but I think it takes something more like a year at least. I don't think it's because we're bad people or anything, it's just human nature.
I have always been cognizant of other people and their needs. Of course, I attribute this to my mom and dad, as this is how I was raised. My parents lived through the depression in the 30's. I was taught to not be wasteful and to make sure I had extra in reserve. I sure that is why I haven't had the need for TP or cleaning products. I am trying to change my cleaning products to the natural products.
I am the same way. Always have been. But we are in the minority.
I've listened to people and observed their behavior and the masses in the country are wasteful and self centered. I'm obviously not writing about the entire population. Just the majority. Our society is driven by acquisitions.
Good morning, Cafe. Croissants are in the oven. I am far from being an optimist. Too much of being a realist forces me into a pessimistic bent. I see increased flocks, but for how long? Increased birth rate. Increased divorces, and increased gardens this year. Hopefully folks will learn to be prepared and not caught with their pants down. See I still keep the faith. A country boy/girl will survive. I hope. :oops:
I don't think it's because we're bad people or anything, it's just human nature.
I don't think it's because we're bad either. But it's not human nature. We have the ability to make decisions that are better for the planet but we choose not to. A good deal of that is because we are bombarded by advertising encouraging the aquisition of STUFF!

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