BYC Café

I have no idea what they are up to.
I'm thinking about moving the truck to my dad's house.
Anyone can get the make, model, year and VIN off a vehicle. You have to have proof of ownership to get a replacement key or title. But still. If I move it to a different property that they don't know about...
I would do that! You never know what is up and some tow and salvage yard types are a bit shady
I'm so sorry you had to euthanize him and on what seems like an unexpected timeline.
Sometimes the odd balls are the ones that you really get attached to. :hugs

And an oddball he was. The Princess and I were just talking about him, and I said, "I should feel relief that he is gone." and she replied, "But you really liked him, and he would have had a lousy life with anyone but you." :hugs I'll miss him, but will not miss the daily need to clean/sanitize his sleeping box and the need to coax him to eat. Yeah, he was so messed up that he required encouragement to eat. I believe I mentioned that he was a psychological mess. I asked his previous owner if he had suffered heat stroke, but he, of course, had no idea. He almost acted like some heat stroked dogs that I have known - affected both physically and mentally.
Today I faced that decision every animal caretaker hates to have to make. It was time for 'The Rat' aka Fd Ch Little Ease Rattler to be euthanised. :( He wasn't quite right yesterday, and I thought it was because of the thunder storms. This morning it became evident that he had had a major stroke. Of my field trial dogs Rat was my pet. Because of/in spite of ? his early life he probably enjoyed life as much as any animal that I have ever known. He was a psychological mess - terrified of strange pens, thunder storms, first snow - anything out of the ordinary. He insisted on urinating in his sleeping box - why ? I had to clean his coop daily. His performance could at times be brilliant or at other times a train wreck. He did things I would not have tolerated in another dog, but he flat out loved me and the life that I granted him. I am going to miss his antics. RIP Rat.
So sorry Sour, you gave him a good life. Hugs.
They may have to live in it, but I bet if they had a choice they would seek shelter!
Yes you're absolutely right; they do go into town to find shelter whenever the weather's bad, but they usually stay on the outskirts.

I am going to miss his antics.
so sorry for your loss :hugs All dogs are special, but some are more special than others.

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