BYC Café

Today I faced that decision every animal caretaker hates to have to make. It was time for 'The Rat' aka Fd Ch Little Ease Rattler to be euthanised. :( He wasn't quite right yesterday, and I thought it was because of the thunder storms. This morning it became evident that he had had a major stroke. Of my field trial dogs Rat was my pet. Because of/in spite of ? his early life he probably enjoyed life as much as any animal that I have ever known. He was a psychological mess - terrified of strange pens, thunder storms, first snow - anything out of the ordinary. He insisted on urinating in his sleeping box - why ? I had to clean his coop daily. His performance could at times be brilliant or at other times a train wreck. He did things I would not have tolerated in another dog, but he flat out loved me and the life that I granted him. I am going to miss his antics. RIP Rat.
I'm sorry to read about Rat Mr sourland. You don't mention how old he is but I'm sure he had a better life with you than he have had with many.
RIP Rat.:hugs
I'm sorry to read about Rat Mr sourland. You don't mention how old he is but I'm sure he had a better life with you than he have had with many.
RIP Rat.:hugs

He was only 9.5 years old, but in addition to his many psychological hangups he suffered from a chronic respiratory problem. Perhaps Aspergillosis, but even after many tests and several hundred dollars spent we were unable to completely diagnosis what it was.
It's been another warm one here. 32C to 34C depending on whose reading the thermometer.
Humidity up to 65% and a whole battalion of low grey lumbering cloud rolling in from the North West. They say rain tonight or in the morning. We could do with some. A proper storm would be best.
Just defrosted the fridge. It had got noticeably smaller.:oops: I've been meaning to do it for months.
Major clean up this week.:hmm
Two gone broody today and Nolia has decided to have a summer moult. Tribe 2's coop floor is covered in feathers.
Did the rest of the legs tonight. Lots of very pissed off hens wondering why they're slipping off their perches.:D
there's a beautiful full moon tonight

goodnight all
Nolia has decided to have a summer moult.
Fabio is starting to moult too. I've noticed a lot of long blond feathers on the boards and in the run but he didn't look thinned out to me. So I hoisted him up for a look see (much to his chagrin) and he's got pin feathers coming in to replace the beard Mommy Dearest plucked out and pin feathers coming in on his hackles and feet. He leg feathers have never looked better since he decided to give up on flogging me. :D

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