BYC Café

Good evening Cafe.
I've made a pot of tea. Help yourselves.
Covid has arrived in the village again. I'm not at all surprised. I'll go elsewhere for shopping for a while. I can cut accross the mountain to another village that has taken a much more sensible approach to Covid. It's a lot smaller but they have a decent fruit and veg market. Got stocked up with chicken food. Enough for a month anyway. Down to the farm further down the track tomorrow to get hay and straw for the donkeys and sheep. The main house is still banging up and down the track to have coffee with their village mates etc so I'll have to be extra careful keeping away from them. They don't even wear masks.:confused:
DH has to see a urologist due to high PSA levels. Anything over 4 is considered a risk for prostate cancer. He had always been running between 2.4-2.8. This last test was 6.1.
I hope it turns out not to be a problem.

And :fl Nan is negative for Covid. DW had something about 3 weeks ago. Fever just over the "worry about Covid" level for a day but no other Covid symptoms. Her nose got so red she looked like WC Fields and her glands on the left side got all swollen up. Negative test for Covid but no idea what she actually had.

Our Govenor has lightended up a bit but we have lowest of anywhere in the lower states because of him saying wear masks stay home he has done a great job
Sorry Penny, close but no cigar ;) Washington is #47 then New Hampshire, Hawaii, Maine and Vermont leading the pack of lowest positivity rate :D

That said, we are seeing more cases.

It was windy here today and I hate it.
Windy from the south pushing 40 MPH yesterday, switched to the same from the north today. Not a fan of such high winds.

I have insomnia.
I heard on the radio today that the incidence of insomnia has gone WAY up during this pandemic. I'm sure there are a lot of people worrying about how they will get along, if they even can, and not sleeping.

Don't bury the whole clove. Leave a bit above the soil.
Seems like that would be a problem here with the winter temps going down to -20°F (-29°C). I plant somewhat deeper and cover with hay.
It was windy here today and I hate it. Worry about more trees crashing down.
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View attachment 2395835
I hate the wind too. Wind here means fire. It makes me sketchy to the point of neurotically pacing.

I found out today that Nan, DHs PT caretaker, is very ill and being tested for Covid-19 tomorrow. I'm hoping like hell that the test comes back negative.
Crap! :barnieHow long will it take to get results. Even if it’s not covid, I hope DH doesn’t catch whatever she’s got. 🤞🤞
I hope it turns out not to be a problem.

And :fl Nan is negative for Covid. DW had something about 3 weeks ago. Fever just over the "worry about Covid" level for a day but no other Covid symptoms. Her nose got so red she looked like WC Fields and her glands on the left side got all swollen up. Negative test for Covid but no idea what she actually had.

Sorry Penny, close but no cigar ;) Washington is #47 then New Hampshire, Hawaii, Maine and Vermont leading the pack of lowest positivity rate :D

That said, we are seeing more cases.

Windy from the south pushing 40 MPH yesterday, switched to the same from the north today. Not a fan of such high winds.

I heard on the radio today that the incidence of insomnia has gone WAY up during this pandemic. I'm sure there are a lot of people worrying about how they will get along, if they even can, and not sleeping.

Seems like that would be a problem here with the winter temps going down to -20°F (-29°C). I plant somewhat deeper and cover with hay.
Winds gusting up to 55 mph here yesterday.

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