BYC Café

Good morning Cafe', and thanks Tonya - sorry you have to 'work' today ; although, it's probably physically easier than what you would otherwise be doing. Does that make sense ?
Makes perfect sense.
I switch from body aches to head aches!
Just done yesterday. Even though I think he had both hands in my mouth at the same time I don't have any jaw pain. Tooth was abscessed, and he spent a lot of time grinding/rasping/filing out all of the dead material. I think that what I am feeling is just a result of the physical abuse. I really like my dentist but hate seeing him, and I've seen too much of him this year. I'm scheduled to return in 3 weeks for the permanent work - still on antibiotics.
I'd give it 24 hours.....then call.
Were you on the AB's before the root work?
Was that your first root canal?
Just done yesterday. Even though I think he had both hands in my mouth at the same time I don't have any jaw pain. Tooth was abscessed, and he spent a lot of time grinding/rasping/filing out all of the dead material. I think that what I am feeling is just a result of the physical abuse. I really like my dentist but hate seeing him, and I've seen too much of him this year. I'm scheduled to return in 3 weeks for the permanent work - still on antibiotics.
Sour, I've never had a root canal.
I'm appalled by the cost of dental care. I nearly opted for an extraction vs a crown due to the expense. I've got another cracked tooth around an old filling that the dentist wants to crown for another grand. Suffice it to say, I still have a cracked tooth in my mouth.
For what you are going through with the root canal tooth, I'd be more inclined to have it yanked out.
I'd give it 24 hours.....then call.
Were you on the AB's before the root work?
Was that your first root canal?

Yes, yes, and no.
Sour, I've never had a root canal.
I'm appalled by the cost of dental care.
For what you are going through with the root canal tooth, I'd be more inclined to have it yanked out.

We've never claimed a medical deduction on our taxes - no complaint there. This year with what I have spent there we most likely will be able to. Granted the significant portion of that was an elected 'beautification'. I'd have had it pulled, but it is the base for a partial bridge.
Thanks for the coffee @DobieLover . I may get some more work done on building my bantam house. Or maybe I'll do some sewing... we'll see which pulls harder. I had to smile about the deer ticks- they are awful in PA. I've had limes and several of my friends have as well. That is nasty stuff. My friend had it dormant until they hit their knee, and it swelled up huge and had to be drained. My case just kinda froze my muscles with pain so I was stuck in bed for several days till the medicine started working. I don't wish it on anyone!😟
There are ticks on the coast and parts of California with lyme disease but not too much is here. I have not seen a tick since I lived in the country up further North in California.

Sadly if someone has lyme disease here it is often not diagnosed due to being so rare

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