BYC Café

Now I've got a hen with a severe prolapse.
I found her with poopy butt late last night and should have brought her in then. I cleaned her up this morning. It looks bad. I slathered it with hemorrhoid cream, pushed it in and held it. She pushed it back out. I did that 4 more times. It won't stay in. I'm hoping that the hemorrhoid cream will eventually reduce swelling enough to help it stay in.
If not, I've lost another one.
This is Barb, my first broody mom

She pooped on it.
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Geeezzz...can you not get a frickin' break!?!?
I was thinking that very thing. I feel like I'm having a break down. She will be the 4th animal in less than 3 weeks that I will lose if this doesn't resolve.
I've no experience with a prolapse. I've read smaller ones can resolve. I read of a member that had an "apple sized" prolapse in a Golden Comet that they spent 13 days trying to resolve. It popped back out when she'd lay.
I've got Barb in a crate in the mud room. I'm leaning towards euthanasia. I don't know how long to try to get the prolapse back in. I'm going to wait and see if the hemorrhoid cream will reduce the swelling and it will stay, but just as with Seneca, what happens when the next egg comes? Or for Barb, the next poop? It seems kinder to let her go vs. wait for her to suffer.

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