BYC Café

Nope. Even if I did it would be out in the main roosting area, not in the ward. One of the bantams laid an egg on the open coop floor and I found it frozen and cracked open. So it's colder out there than in the ward.
Oh, that's right. Forgot you said in the ward.
Might be good to bump it up a bit.
Once one hatches the humidity will sky rocket for a short time.

Yes and Yes.
If they don't hatch tonight, I bet by morning they'll be out.
Great, thank you. 71-72% will come back after chores and see where it stabilizes. Olive egg is zipping now, too! Membrane is way thicker than the white eggs.
I think the manufacturers only support whatever they did in the tests, as they can't be sure about the results if there is variance.
Yep, they can't claim anything that wasn't given when the drug was approved. I found that out with insulin for the cat. It is only good for 3 months. Why? Because they only tested it for 3 months! Could be if they tested it for 6 months it would still be good.

Makes me wonder if the epinephrine injectors that have to be tossed after a year wouldn't be good longer. They are too expensive to toss if they are still good!

And goats - they're back in Llandudno!
Must be they returned for the wonderful buffet they found the first time.

other early risers caught it too, and it was notable enough to make the news!
Stunning photos!
Oh man, they're really going to town now!

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