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I am soooooo eggcited!!!! Tomorrow i am going to meet Slightly Cracked and get some chickens from her!!! i cant wait!
yea new gapple babies and new Queen scoot chickens congrats to you both, Se congrats on the 4th place, better than 10th by far, tell trav we're a rootin for him. well I have a game hen that had been sitting on a hatch and today she's not in here barral and the eggs look hatched out to my DH, but I think something ate them, but who knows they may be around out there somewhere those game hens tend to hatch and then run them off and hide for a few weeks so we will see. well did our running for the day and seemed like everyone had the same idea. way too crazy out there for my taste. but we got the g shopping done, now I am having to play the mean mommy and make the younger one sitt in the time out right here next to me, poor daddy just has way to much trouble controling them. yesterday when i gott back from my ride, i came in to find him sitting on the bed head in hands I asked whats wrong? he said jsut after you left I let here go play in her room and she got in to the paint at the topp of the closet, by pulling all the drawers out and using the dresser as a ladder. then he couldn't keep her in the bath tub and there was a stream of water from the back of the house to the kitchen and in to the front bath, then she decided to poop in the bathroom in front of the tolit instead of in it and then when I came in to find them she had been sitting on the pot for 20 mins singing and everytime he would try to go in to see if she was done she would slap the door on him. Poor Guy I kinda felt bad for him. But that 2 hour ride was sooooo nice, just me and the horse and mother nature. so any way it goes he now sees what I have to deal with 24/7, while he's gone off working and sleeping in a nice quite hotel room with HBO and cable, and eating out everyday. I have 2 channels that bearly come in and and every movie we own has been watch 1000 times each. so I am glad that he didn't complain too much.

Well today was nice me and the girls sat out and watch the maricle of gods creepest creature make a web it was rather interesting and fun to watch just so long as he stays in that tree and out on my house.
the girls thought it was sooo coool, then we searched for eggs and said good night to the horse and are going to try to spend a quite evening in the house. well I hope everyone has had a good day. se I hope ya'll have a good win tonight. and athena we are thinking about you. Night ladies and I will see you back here tomorrow. Maw.
oh Greenapp them fuzzy butts are sooooo CUTE!!
To bad they didnt stay that way!

Yes I did see the post for spring, Thanks for asking!

Been busy the past couple days baby sitting 2 of our grandsons.

I have that sore throat again, don't think I was over it when the antibiotic was up.

Almost done with dads afghan, i will have to post a pic when it is done.

Sounds like fall has hit all over I love fall!!

Congrats on 4th SE!!!

Maw you needed that little get away...I do feel sorry for your poor hubby. He should be lucky it was poop on the floor & not in the tub! That is sooo gross!!
I know this morning I gave our grandson a shower with me (he is 8 months), had grampa dry him & dress him & oh my goodness, you would have thought he was trying to rope a cow!


Well you all be have, take care, Susan
Most of these will stay small and cute
Majority of them are cochin banties, so the stay small and cute
as long as to many of them aren't little roosters
The hens would make a great apartment chickens

I hope everyone is having a great weekend,
to all the new hookers
to Travis
good finish, SE when are we going to see him in Nascar?

I posted more baby pics on the mascot thread, Fancy got to meet them in small groups.

I am off to watch the babies
they are sooooooo adorable, the little pile of fluff keeps rotating and moving around the area where the heat lamp is
I posted this, in the wrong thread... How dumb of me...
I was looking at a post, and thought I had the right thread.. Sorry, now those people who hang in that thread must think I'm nuts!!!


Thank You ALL for a very warm welcome!!!!!
I do appreciate all the kind thoughts being sent my way.

I am here, till April of 09... and to be honest, I don't need anything, thank you for the kind offers... but if your so inclined to send something, send something to "my" troops.

Let me tell you about me... and what I do here..

I am a systems engineer by trade...but, volunteered to come when an old boss called and told me they needed someone with my skills... Well, that wasn't entirely true..because as you can quite imagine, I do alot of stuff here that I never dreamed of doing. Not just systems, but radios, radar, telephones, you name it. If there is something "communication" about it, they call me!
Often sometimes, I struggle with a "quick" resolution, but, I get it done!

I live in an 8x12 metal trailer.. a conex. We have separate toilet and shower trailers nearby. The entire area is covered in dirt/sand and gravel. I work in a tent/trailer. I will try and post a photo if I can. Everyone walks everywhere, as vehicles are a premium. Not that I am spoiled, but, living conditions are.. in one word!!!.... austere! I'm not fond of camping, and this is camping, and then some. The reverse would be like troops outside the wire, who sleep where and when they can. Least I have a twin size bed to rest my head on. (and I might add, most times I have AC in my conex, and running water in the shower trailer!)

If there is anything I gripe about, its that I have not had a day off since I have been here... (7 months)... but, I made the mistake of saying that to someone in the post office one day, and an Army troop behind me said.. "Ma'am, I have been here 15 months, and no days off"... So, someone is always worse off, right???

I still tho, will continue to beg to have a day off, even once in awhile, just so I can do my own laundry... We have a company that does our laundry.. KBR, but, who likes getting their clothes washed with other people's clothes that they don't even know?? And I am convinced the laundry detergent they use, is whats causing me to itch like crazy all the time. Thats one of the main reasons, I want to make my own detergent when I come home. So that one day my skin will feel the way it used

I work 12 hours a day, from midnight till noon, 7 days a week.
At first, I thought I was going to go mad with these hours, as I have such a hard time sleeping during the day, and in this heat, (and when there is no power, my conex feels like it's 180 degrees in there). But, I have gotten myself, after all these months into a routine.

After work, I go to the chapel, where I am the volunteer coordinator for an outreach called Troy's Place.
Google - Maj Troy Gilbert, - and you can read his story.
The chapel is named in his honor, (Gilbert Memorial Chapel) and the outreach (Troy's Place) is as well. But, in a nutshell, Maj Gilbert was a pilot KIA while on a mission out of Balad. While stationed at Balad, he spent any and all of his free time at the chapel, and the one thing he truly enjoyed was reaching out to the younger troops in fellowship. With that in mind, the chapel established a ministry to support younger troops just like Troy would have done. In that effort, I coordinate all the volunteers to make sure anyone that comes into Troy's is well... taken care of. We have a small building outside the chapel and we provide a couple of TV rooms, a couple of computers, a desk for letter writing, a reading room, etc... We also have a room where we stock everything from cards and writing material to water, snacks, sandwiches, cookies, muffins, coffee, toiletries, etc.... All of these are donations sent in from around the world.

So, if you would like to send me something, please send it to Troy's... We can use your help. In my next post, if its permissible, I will post the letter that goes out to folks who write the chapel wanting to do something to help in our efforts...who want to donate and don't know what to send..

Even tho Troy's is a ministry run by the chapel, we make no huge religious overtures.. we accept everyone who comes in, and make them feel as comfortable as they can.

Troy's is also the place where we hold our battle bracelet class. We had quite a crowd in yesterday's class..
HINT*** If anyone can get ahold of 550 parachute cord, that would be great to send. I have a tough time getting colors here. We have the basic grey, green and black cords! Plus, we can always use BDU buttons, any and all colors! I will post a photo of this too..

I am former Air Force, spent ten years active duty as an intel analyst, and this, out of my entire career, has been the experience of a lifetime..

You know, so many bad things are said about our young men and women back home, but if these young men and women in uniform here at Balad are any indication of what our future is entrusted too, well, you have no worries. They have stood up to the challenge, and have passed in flying colors.

Thanks for allowing me my soapbox time, but I am proud of what we have accomplished here..

Athena sends...

ok, I don't know how to post a photo.. do I need to change a setting???
Athena you have more hutspa than me girl, I would be whining my butt off wanting to come home and wishing I had not made such an impulsive decsion to go over there...good for you. I can't believe there is nothing you miss like crazy that we can't send you!! I'll look for the parachute cord but you have to explain those battle bracelets is that's what it's for because I can't imagine how something that thick would work for tying? And whats a battalion button? Off camos? Like at one of the millions of military surplus stores here?

One way to post pictures is to upload them into your photobucket acount and then post the direct link to it between two
marks (above every post you make see... B I U img Quote Word-Link and the smiliey's..if the picture is one you can right click on and copy I think you can post the copied link in between the
... I think so anyway..Amy and Angie are better at explaining this stuff than me!! Would like to see them though...and think of something you really miss..well, besides privacy and hot showers and home and we will make sure you get it
Crochet hooks and yarn?!!

4th again last night and the second place points man won so now our lead is only 73 points with two races to go...makes my head hurt!! Just a rouhg couple of races with the car set up not being so so happy to actually win the points championship and be through with this season!!! NASCAR ...hopefully yes one day soon, next year in a late model..and when NASCAR starts picking up the dirt tracks, which is coming, they WILL be noticing Travis...he will be in Carolina Clash and World of Outlaws races year after next in a super late soon...

I'll miss ya'll this week, up early tomorrow and back to work..course my days are nothing like poor Maw's husbands' adventure in kid raising!!! Poor guy!! lol!!

Finished my crochet-a-long squares for the lion brand afghan, just have to join them now and make a border!! The wool-ease has been nice to work with though!!

Wildsky tells me Walmart is selling out of their yarn and that most of it is on sale in the stores until it's gone..sounds like a raid on Walmart to me gilrs!! Stock up!! Walmart carries some Caron and lots of Red Heart and some sugar n cream..even in cones...better check those sales!!
Athena, glad to hear from ya, and I to sometimes wish for a day off, but then my days are no where near like yours, girl you totally ROCK! Thanks for all you do for the boys and girls over there. I haven't heard from either of my guys, one has never writen back and the other had been emailing me but stoped, so I think he is out on a mission. I will look around, my area for all that cord and such I live near Fort Chaffee and the Blue Angels are housed here to so I don't think it will be that much trouble at least I hope not. I have a paracute that was my grandfathers from pearl harbor but after looking at it yesterday it doesn't have any cord on it. I wonder can you dye paracute cord? that way ya'll can have every color under the sun or at least thats in my dyeing box! I have tons of hay baleing twine too if ya'll might want that. I use it for everything, almost as much as I use duct tape. Athena if you know of any of your fellow troops that would like a pen pal please let me know as I love to write letters I have my two adopted deployed heros from soldiers but still have plenty of time for more.
Scrambled congrats on 4th, I know just know ya'll are going to win the points, I hope ya'll do good tonight as well. I have been looking for jsut the right wire to start working on my necklace, but still looking for the right spacers I haven't found anything that has just tickled my fancy yet so next week I am going in to fort smith and look around and see if I can find anything there. I have decided though to make a few yarn necklaces with them that way my mom can wear one. thanks again.

well I think I am going to try some new off the wall crocheting things today, when I was working with those pine branchs the other day making my bed, thought to myself I wonder if I could crochet these pine needles, so I am going to give it a try, and then I met a lady at wal-mart that was our checker and shes crocheted for 60 years, 60 YEARS! and she was telling me that she would crochet those plastic wal-mart sacks togather, and that she somehow cuts them in a way that you can loop them togather to make a ball like yarn, anyway she had made picnic table clothes, lawn chair covers, flags, all sorts of cool stuff. Then I got to thinking this morning while browsing throught my homemade halloween idea book, someone had made a dress and suit out of nothing but duct tape, that got me to thinking again about ways to crochet with DUCT TAPE! I really need to go read a book or something, other wise I am going to cover this house in crocheted everything! SE I notice the other day that wal-mart had a ton of that caron on sale for a 1.50 and wonder why, but so far thats all mine had on sale but I will be keeping my eye out for that thanks for the tip. well ladies I am off to go make me a big crafty crocheted mess. SE and Angie I signed up for that spider and sat and read the stories for the site to the girls yesterday and they just loved it and haley has decided that she wants to make one for her 4-H christmas ordiment this year. I am going to ask DH if he could carve use some cedar or pine beads to use for it. I need to go re read the rules and pattern again it was late when I read them the first time, but does it have to be small or can it be bigger? well ladies have a great day and I will post ya'll later. Maw!
Athena you are great! Doing tour once is one thing but twice WOW
You do have it made though compared to some, don't blame you for wanting a day off.

Maw what a imagination!!

SE I haven't seen any yarn on sale here at our walmart, wonder if it is all walmarts??

Scoot what pretty babies!
You look as girly as I do,
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