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I've heard some walmarts sold out a while ago (as long as a year) Mine is on sale NOW and really thin - perhaps you can ask at your local store.

None of the fabric or notions were on sale at my store - perhaps they're going to keep that for a while (?)

While I was in the store a lady from Colorado needed a hand getting yarn from the top shelf, she said her store had sold out a while ago, on EVERYTHING sewing/knitting etc.
oh that is so sad!

I went to & they don't have yarn n there, I did send a email to see what they have to say about it.
I know our craft section has really shrunk in the past couple years, but I thought it was because they built a new store & moved things around.

I know one of the assistant managers at ours, I will have to give her a call & see what she says.
I am not too heat broken over the Walmart yarn sell out..well, only that I might have missed a deal or two and I'll run over at lunch and see...but Michael's is my yan store of choice anyway..Joann's online would be second. Those 40 and 50% off coupons at Michael's make even buying that moda dea 8 bucks a skein yarn worth it!!

Athena, still around?! We know you got lost in the craft thread but we were hoping you found your way back!! We'll leave a bread crumb trail for you!!

I think I found a parachute cord battle bracelet...Athena, is this what you are referring to...

could not find the exact directions though...if Athena gave us directions..we can make these ya'll...need to find the cord though, I'll be looking...

Have a great day ya'll!!!
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Hey Scrambled, I will call over to chaffee later this morning and a few of the surplus stores and see what I can come up with. how did travis do last night? Hope ya'll won some points. Queen Scoot I know what you mean about not being girly girly, althought my oldest DD is and I don't know where that came from, must be her great aunt cuz shes like that. well it looks like its going to be stormy here today so I am going to do some laundry, dishes, and clean the craft room and the girls room, then sit awhile and be crochetity as my DH says and try to finish my window ghan and then work on more dish cloths, for christmas presents. Hope ya'll have a wonderful day and I will catch up with ya'll later to day. Maw.
My walmart still has yarn but they quit carrying cross stitch floss..... so now I have to drive 45 mins to get it
Hard to justify that kind of drive for 1 or 2 colors

Not that these would be much good for granny squares... but Dollar Tree, and I'm sure this varies by location, had those cool fancy yarns.. the furry glittery ones and others for $1 a skein.... at JoAnns they were $4 or more!
Hi everyone!!!! I've been bogged down trying to get my daughter settled in her Honors Oral Communication class. She's having such a hard time adjusting in that class. We've had parent meetings, talks & she's been glued to my computer for a few weeks working on a big project. Hopefully she can bring her grade up by the end of the semester, so she can stay in the Honors program.
It's been a little stressful worry about her. Hopefully she's back on track now.

Here's a big welcome to Okiemom & Athena!!!!!!!

Athena I really admire what you are doing.
My nephew served 2 terms in Iraq and almost had to go back for a third, but his job got shifted. My BIL also served 1 term. From what I saw from pics from my nephew it was very rustic and the laundry was one of his complaints also. Did you find a way to make the homemade laundry soap? The battle bracelets sound cool. Hope you can post a pic.
I'd love to see them. There has to be something you'd like for us crazy Hookers to send you.
My nephew craved soar candy, hot slim jims, pickles and we smuggled small bottled of alcohol in care packages to him. Hehe!!!! Oh BIL liked homemade cookies. Just let us know what you'd like that you can't get. I remember my BIL said please don't send shampoo and stuff like that b/c he had plenty to get where he was.

Welcome back Mangled!!!!
Happy Anniversay!!!!!!! How are your beautiful kids doing? Sounds like your son is all better.

Maw that's great that you got to take some time for yourself and ride your horse. You deserve it!!!!!!!! Moms need those breaks for theirselves. I know I can do a better job if I just take a wee break for myself sometime. Moms are notorious for putting their selves last. I'm very guilty of that sometimes.

Greenapple those fuzzy butts are adorable!!!!!!! Congratulations!!!!!!

Queen Scoot I can't wait to see your new babies.
Congratulations!!!!!!!!! Love your new title, BTW!

SE hope Travis races did well over the weekend.
I love your spider. I had never heard of the x-mas spider. Very cool!!!!

Guitartist thanks for posting the x-mas spider's story!!!

One of our Walmarts still has yarn, but most have really cut back their craft sections.

I've been dying to go get some yarn for a baby afgan pattern I found to make for my sis's new baby. She's due in Nov.

Holy Cow Wildsky
That's a lot of crochet patterns.. Thanks!!!!

Ok, ladies I now have 18 sunflower granny squares complete!!!!

Ok, back to cleaning.....I think a bomb went off in here over the weekend.
Hey, everyone! Just checking in real quick. We had a very busy weekend. My parents and brother came for a visit. This is the first time that he has been down to see our new house and we've been here 13 months. Our visit was not too bad, so that's good.

Yesterday was church. I also managed to get 6 squares done for the swap, so I'm up to 16 now!

Today, I am canning chicken stock (done), and sweet potatoes. Tomorrow, I will do the apples - probably 1 or 2 runs of apple pie filling and then the rest will be applesauce and apple butter.

OK- back to work. I'll check back in later, if I get a chance.
EastTNchick~ Yummmy!!!!! You & Wegotchickens are going to have a pantry full of yummy things!! Lucky you.

Karenleaf I forgot to say how awesome your new green house is!!!!!! I love it!!!!!
I've always wanted my own green house.

I still have pages to caught up on, but just saw all the eye candy everyone posted. Wooohoooo!!!!! That always makes Mondays a little brighter.
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