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Those are it.... We use the basic military colors, gray, black and green, but, there is also other brighter colors we incorporate..
We do 2, 3, 5 and 8 strand variations... with and without the filling. The filling inside the cord just makes for a thicker bracelet.
Also, most do come with a BDU button as shown, but
We have gotten our hands on iraqi coins (now defunt) which we buy from those with access outside the wire, and use those in place of the buttons, that way, they were def made on Iraqi soil, and a true representation of our time here.

We don't make them for money... in fact, many of us buy our own supplies...buttons, cords, coins.. and then we make them to give to injured troops that depart Balad enroute to Landsthul Germany, and then statesside. Balad is home to the theater hospital. If you get injured in theater, you will be processed thru Balad to go home, or to Germany!

Good find, those are awesome representations of what we make, and why I need the cord badly!

Just as an aside, the battle bracelet is also known as a buddy bracelet. In our world,... you have to make two at a time, one to always give to your buddy. (in our case, the injured troops) Plus, if ever in a bind, anywhere, and need is there on your wrist to unbind... (talk about a McGyver deal, This cord is probably the most strongest cord around. So, its usefull, and has alot of meaning behind it.
It symbolizes friendship, a buddy you'de go to battle for....
can't get anymore meaningful than that...

Athena..directions girl, we need directions!!! Also..make a list..that's an order from Queen Scoot, with the great looking new chickens, lol!!! Mkae a list of what you miss and we will send it to you..we LOVE to help each other out and you are one of ours gab and laugh and get to know us and make a list for us to send you stuff!!!!...not your troops..YOU!!!

My daughter's friend will be back before we can send him anything so Athena is our main project..IF the Queen could get her to make us a list, lol!

Ya'll I had a good tire, newer tire, blow out and separate on the way home last night..scared the life out of me and I nearly had a head on collsion spinning across the road!!! Sounded like a bomb went off and my car went out of control..only going about 50, thankfully, tore up the rim too, kind of knocked it crooked..dang..thank goodness for sweet husbands..never so grateful to see that red truck coming over that hill with hydraulic jack and and a smile, lol!! It was pitch dark nearly 8pm when I got home and had to do chicken chores in the dark..what a day!!! I did run to walmart at lunch yesterday and all they had on actual sale was some red heart strata and the colors were too loud for anything I could think of, I did buy some gorgeous vanna yarn in a fat skein, earth colors veriagated with a pretty rust to match. They wont have any yarn at all after feb. next year the woman said so I'll be looking for the sales, no caron at all, maybe was on sale and gone already but they had alot of yarn and only the bernat that I made that confetti afghan for the son's girlfriend in on sale..the yellow and purple..and the starta..I will keep looking though

Tonight is the next to last race, hope I get home in time to go, on a tuesday is a reshceduled rain date..we are 83 points ahead of the second place man with tonight and one more points race to go ...GOT to have Travis win the points championship..we have all worked so dang hard for it this season, keep your fingers crossed for him!!! Here he is if ya'll don't "know" him yet, lol! and here is the racing page..
wish him alot of good luck tonight and hopefully no crazy flukey things happen!!

Angie..those booby potholders will be a nice set for your other anatomical parts there!! lol!! Pretty hip gramma!!

Scoot, your new babys are sooooo nice!!! Lucky you!!!!!

Love ya'll, gotta run....have a great day, hugs
Athena,please let us send you a package of items that you miss. i KNOW there has to be somethings!!!! just make us a list and we'd be more than happy to help you!
you are here in hooker heaven and we are a big family and are there for each other!
besides this is the QUEEN and i COMMAND you to do do. LOL itll take just a few minutes of your time!!
Ya'll are a mess! I like the boobies I might have to make some for my step-dad, to take with him when he goes off to work away from home. And the lipbalm cozie LOL I wonder if you could make a hole in the top so all you have to do is twist the bottom and then there ya go, talk about getting to weird looks, by just putting on you chapstick! LOL LOL Well I am still alive after my plunge of domb into the kids room to clean it last night, but it is now clean and I put all there toys away where they can't get to them with out asking, So that I maybe can in still some rules on them about cleaning up their messes, so now if the want to play with dolls, or doll houses, barbies or ponys they have to ask me to get them down and before they can play with something else they have to put what ever they are playing with back in box or bucket it came from so I can put them back up out of reach, in order to get something else down for them to play with. Once they start getting the idea of cleaning up after themselves, and helping mommy to keep the house clean, then maybe I could invite people into my house. And won't have anymore achy feet from steping on their toys all the time. Do any of ya'll have this problem? I mean you could not get in to the room or even shut the door for the mess, Papers and trash everywhere, a ton of toys (my family spoils them just a little 2 much) clothes, some of which haven't even been woren this year. shoes of all sizes. So in the past two weeks I have gone throught and sorted and discarded all thing to small, to stained, to old, or way to stretched out to fit, and am going to have a yard sell, and the with that send so stuff to my boys overseas and with the rest go buy more YARN! YEA
Well I got 8 of 16 heptagons done for my window ghan last night I almost have it done. Queeny how is yours coming along?
SE now your married to Tavis or is he your son? either way lucky you he's a cutey woohoo!, I sure hope ya'll win the points I'll be rootin for ya. Risurocket, I like that hamburger dress, that is quiet an imageation someone has to make that. but none the less it is still pretty darn cool. well I am off to do the housework and will chat at ya'll later. Maw.
Maw, I have the very same problem with my child. And I only have one! I can only imagine the double duty you have. I might have to resort to the same rules pretty soon. So far she should be old enough to pick up her own room and we are working with the "you have lost all extras until your room is clean" rule - such as no tv, playing with friends, etc. She also has the threat that if she doesn't put her "pile" away, and I have to go in and do it, then it is going in a big garbage bag. I have cleaned her room and barely survived for the last time.

Those links are crazy! I wish I had a bachelorette party or baby shower or something to have an excuse to make them for. Though I would have to hide them, or the kiddo might have a few too many questions. The baby hat or pillow idea is so cute.

Athena, we will end up sending you surprises as well as things to Troy's Place, so be prepared. These gals are relentless!

Hope everyone has a great day. I am feeling sort of *shrug* Lonesome, or lonely or's a weird day.
Fall Granny Square Swap finial list.


1. Mawchikkidie - Fall Swap Organizer - Jessica- all squares received

2. Guitarists -Angie-all squares received
3. Tutter-?
4. Betsy
5. Mangled
6. WeGotChickens
7. Smitty's Farm
8. RedHen
9. Scrambled Egg - Darlene- all squares received
10. Rafter 7 Paint Horses
11. leepsy--Beverly--all squares received
12. Greentree--Nancy--all squares received
13. Chicks Rule
14. Tiki244
15. Jenjscott
16. AlpacaChick
17. Queen Scoot
18. Chickngurl
19. EastTNchick
20. greenapple
21. Amyquilt
22. Yotetrapper-?
23. TB1
24. Lovemychicks9
25. Jc12551
26. Elcunni75
27. Coffeelady3
28. Risurocket
29. Karanleaf---Karan--all squares received
30. Natapple
31. Purr
32. KellyGwen

Just wanted to bring the list forward, remember though that you can also go to the first page of the thread to see the list.
Both of mine are 18, and the mess has gotten worse since they started high school. My dad threatens to bring a shovel in the house to start shoveling the mess, I threaten with throwing everything away - now I say post it on freecycle. I don't know what happened either
, they used to do their chores and clean up after themselves, they started high school and changed
Se...travis is a cutie!
Good luck with the races

The pillow to cute, have to make a couple of them as well!

When my kids were little we had a heck of a time with them & their rooms!

Now te grandkids, that is a different story. The oldest (7yrs) gives his parents a fit, but does do it. They use the take away thing, no tv & such. The 3 & 4 year olds...they wont pick up at home, but do a great job at our house...with a little coaching! The 18month old, she is a great picker upper!! Course, they have worked with her ever since she could crawl.
Now I have the problem with hubby...he is as bad as the kids when they were little!
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