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Well Gals I see you all have been really busy.

Rocket that great you are still getting so many eggs, maybe you have 2 or 3 hens that just lay every other day? I too love the chocolate munching smiley
that's cute

Queen Scoot sure glad that computer is fixed.

Maw You have the greatest luck finding the yarn.

I have been extra busy with planting and repotting in the greenhouse Wow that's work But I sure am having a great time at it.

just checking through my email and someone had sent me this and thought I would share it. Maybe one of you sent it , but it's really cute.


A man and woman had been married for more than 60 years. They had shared everything. They had talked about everything. They had kept no secrets from each other except that the little old woman had a shoe-box in the top of her closet that she had cautioned her husband never to open or ask her about.

For all of these years, he had never thought about the box, but one day the little old woman got very sick and the doctor said she would not recover. In trying to sort out their affairs, the little old man took down the shoe-box and took it to his wife's bedside. She agreed that it was time that he should know what was in the box.

When he opened it, he found two crocheted dolls and a stack of money totaling $95,000. He asked her about the contents.

'When we were to be married,' she said, ' my grandmother told me the secret of a happy marriage was to never argue. She told me t hat if I ever got angry with you, I should just keep quiet and crochet a doll.'

The little old man was so moved; he had to fight back tears. Only two precious dolls were in the box. She had only been angry with him two times in all those years of living and loving. He almost burst with happiness.

Darling,' he said, 'that explains the doll, but what about all of this money? Where did it come from?'

'Oh,' she said, 'That's the money I made from selling the dolls.'

A Prayer
Dear Lord,
I pray for Wisdom to understand my man;
Love to forgive him;
And Patience for his moods;
Because Lord, if I pray for strength, I'll
beat him to death. And I don't know how to crochet. Amen

Hey ya never know what will make money Hehe
Ok ya all I gotta fix supper and Oldest grandson needs to use my computer to finish his home work his internet is down. Check ya later Karan
Hey girls , it is with sadness that I am writing to let you know I am going to have to bow out of the square swap.
At this point in time there is ALOT of personal things going on in our house hold and with and we are trying very hard to keep it all together her. Too much to think about and way to much to worry about and we are stressed to the max.. I am really sad about not being able to do this, I was so looking forward to seeing all the finished products but I am just not going to be able to do it this time. I will do my best to get in on the spring swap. May not see you all for a while as we will be not having the net for a while. Everyone take care and I will miss you.
Aw, Lovesmychicks!

I hope things get better for you soon! We will all be thinking of you, I am sure. I know I will and I really do hope things ease up for you and you can enjoy the things you like again. This is a busy stressful time of year, I know *I* am feeling it.

Good luck, take care and many hugs.
Hopefully you have made enough friends here to feel that you can stay in the thread and get the support you need here. Take care of yourself...hugs and wishes for an improving situation

Hope everyone else has a great night, kid needs computer, gotta run

I loved your post...
I love stories about old married couiples...

an oldie...but always a goodie....

and your


I have tried to post that doc on Troy...
and I have decided, that if you can't do it...
I have no hope to do
OK. I know, I know. I've disappeared for a while. But I do check this thread often, just bad about lurking, though.

SE...I wanna see what retro circles you are making!!!

BTW got the pattern...thanks so much!
lovesmychicks9, SO sorry to hear things arn't going well, but just know we are hear for you and will be praying for you and your family to come into a better place in your life, I know its hard. but know we love you gal and are here for you may you ever need eyes or ears to listen.

Karanleaf I looooovvvve that story and that is totally me, when DH get his grizzly on, I start making amigurumi dolls or grannys, I have make 3 tubs full for the girls just this year. LOL! now all I need is the 95,00000.00 to go with them!

thanks gals for all the well wishes, the dentists visit went great and haley was soooo Happy! But boy was I soooo tired be the time we got home and the crud had set in, so I took VIt C, and DH gave me some cold type meds and but me to bed and wouldn't let me have my yarn or hooks! I was not a happy patinet, but greatfull though as I feel a ton better today, I made 2 dishcloths from the pattern that smitty's sent me, but I have not picked a fave just yet.

I am soo tired right now I can't wait for the chickenstock to be over as I am sooo nervous about it, I sure hope it goes great and everyone enjoys themselves and has a great time, Oh I dread it!!! Butterflies everywhere.

well I got haleys Halloween costume almost done, she a fairy, and will start blaylees tomorrow before we go off to go camping. and then gotta whip me something silly up to wear, I like making the best memories I can for the girls so that includes dressing up at least 2 times a week
you know gotta get spiffed up for those fancy tea partys, if I didn't what would miss fuzzy noise and lady fluffy tail say!!!! well gals I am really tired so off I go until in the morning and I will catch up to everyone later. Night Maw.
Okiemom that's great that you are taking some classes. I bet that keeps you really busy. smile

OK, gotta go find rabbit food for DD. I'm so sick of eating all the green stuff. lau Give me a steak!!!!!! barnie AND CHOCOLATE!!!!!! Oh well, I do have some atomic fireballs somewhere in the pantry.

Oh it does, it does! lol The great thing about it is that it is soooo refreshing to be able to create art again.


Hi gals, I have been lurking the past day or so. Been really busy & lazy, haven't had enough gumption to do anything

Smitty I mainly typed in tonght for you, to answer your question on filet crochet. Filet crochet is super EASY! Most of the time it is doney using a graph & double crochet. I will find that link for that boat & post it & instructions on how to do filet crochet. It is done by counting stitches & making the "picture", such as the boat from the spaces. Not very good at explaining, but if you were near I could sure show you.

Queen glad you are back
was it a virus or something on the computer?

Oh Karanleaf I loved that old couple story!

ok chicken question here...I was reading along & did I read it right, that you don't know if a fuzzy butt
is a
or a rooster until after it gets much bigger?
Like on a puppy or such animal, you can tell. Boy am I learning about chickens, lol

Ok I am off to check on that for you smitty
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