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I was told that you could sex them by the wing feathers when they are chicks, and that method did happen to ring true for me. I don't know if it is tested and true, b/c I hadn't read it on here
but other than that you can usually begin to tell when they are older by how red their combs are what type of saddle feathers they are getting etc.

Karan I forgot to mention I loved your story too!!!
AMY!!!!!! Nice to know "homing pigeons" aren't the only ones that find their ways home!!! I'll take a picture tonight..I have 4 rounds done one nearly all the 20 circles..did alot watching the Pres. debate last night..but cannot go any further until the woman gets my chocolate caron in and sends it to me!!! grrrrrr They are pretty though and the circles go really, really fast, and I thinki I might keep this one, but then it would make an awesome gift too so not sure yet. I work on the white washcloths for my record bowl baskets on my lunch break, still have piles of them to do but a bit bored with those. Glad to have you back Amy!!!

Athena, forwarded that info to Hats and Ozark Hen. I tried to copy it and it didnt work and couldnt even right click on the picture to copy it, I dunno, likely my fault. Amy or Angie..if ya'll will email me, I'll send it to you..both of ya'll are pretty computer savvy and maybe you can get it to post on this thread.

Okie if you are taking art classes, you should check out Angie's site (Guitarists) she is an artist too..and a really good one I might add!! I've done all the back to schooling I care to do..unless maybe I could find a pal to take another pottery class with me, lol!! Made my daughter go with me for one semester and dang if she wasn't better at it than me..cured me asking her to go again, lol!!!! There is an art to "throwing" pottery on the wheel and she got the hang of it so quick, I loved it but was still in the "needs tutoring" area when the class was over, lol!!! I did go back for another semester and got a bit better but you need to do that quite alot to get really good at it, very, very fun though and I recommend it as great therapy for whatever ails you if you have a community college nearby!! Might have to do that again in the spring now that I think about it!! I have 40 pounds of clay in the garage just waiting..hmmmm

Gotta go ya'll..have a great are a great group, fun and caring and supportive of each other..AWESOME group!
Hey, ladies!

lovemychicks - I hope things settle down for you soon.

Well, ladies, I am going today to have my last 2 wisdom teeth pulled.
I am holding up OK for now, but later on it will hit me and my fear will just drain the life out of me. I will probably not feel up to posting much for a few days, but I'll try to read when I can.

I've gotta try to get a little bit of work done before I leave in an hour, so I'll catch ya'll later!


I think she had some typos in HER last post

Aaww.. thanks Scrambled.... hey, just email me the pic and I will get it up for you. I'll pm you my addy. I wish I had time and money to go back to school.. I love taking classes. Wish you lived closer.. I'd love to take a Pottery class!!!! Would love to own a kiln.... would love to take a glass blowing class too!!! Or lampwork LOL There's soooo many hobbies, so little time
Howdy all! Have been lurking this thread for awhile lol! I want to make granny square slippers. Have started twice with no success. After awhile when you make the squares does it just come automatic or do you read the pattern everytime? My brain must be losing cells rapidly! Can't seem to make this one stick. I'll give it another go, if anyone has any advice, it would be appreciated!

morning hookers!!! sure is a chilly one here this morning!!! feels like
gosh i hope not!! to early for that here in OK!!
well off to do barn chores!
Good morning Hookers!!!!!

It;s chilly here to this am. Brrrrrr!!!!!!!!

I've got to take dd & friend to school, still do a few more chicken chores, go workout, then I hit the good grocery store on the way I usually don't get to even see the computer until the afternoon. Tonight is dd piano rectial, so it will be crazy trying to get all the chickies to bed and make sure I don't have chicken poo on me before I go.

I only made one square last night.

I'm so sorry lovemychicks!!!!!!
Please keep in touch when you can and hopefully you can do the spring swap.

OOOps gotta go!!!! I'll check in later.
lovesmychicks I am soo sorry that things are rough for you right now. Please do go to the library or your local extension office they both usually have computers to use for the public. Check in with us once in a while we will miss having you hang with us. I certainly hope things start looking brighter soon

1mommahen I was amazed that I remembered the pattern after so many years of not crocheting and just read the pattern over again I kicked those squares out. So I am living proof that yes after awhile of reading the pattern and doing the squares or what ever shape you do it does start to become somewhat automatic
So there is hope for us all I believe.

Queen Scoot so nice to see you are back to brighten our morning with your graphic dazzle.

eastTNchick I certainly hope you have as pain free of a visit as possable. DH use to get very worked up also before an appointment. So the dentist gave him a valuim to take 30 minutes before his appointment so I would drive him there and back, And that would even be for just a cleaning. He is much better with it now

Guitartists you have such a wonder nack at just about anything artistic. Boy I love to see the stuff you post !

Rocket where are ya this morning? I hope you are not under that crud again

Well gals i must be off to the office I will check in later I hope everyone has a wonderful morning
Morning all! Nope not under the crud. Weather must have hit me like a bomb yesterday. Sun is helping today.

I am under all the posts here though, trying to read my way through. Hello Everybody! Glad to see some lurkers popping in and enjoying themselves!

East, bleh...sorry about your wisdom teeth. I am going to try and keep mine for as long as possible...even though I should probably get them out. I hear they have some pretty good stuff now that will make the whole process easier. You will never know they were in there, aside from looking like a chipmunk for a few days.
Take it easy and hang in there!

I know I am not going to be able to comment on everyone's news. Just glad to see everyone seems to be Happy Hooker Hens and that everyone is busy busy busy. Seems fall is that time of year...Must get ready for the winter.

Me, I am busy and my brain is busy thinking about being busy...
Have a great day everyone!
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