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Yay! the queen is back with her bling!

I do enjoy putting in the occasional funny smilies, but no one can beat the Queen with her new sign smilies!

I am getting cold feet with all of this dentist talk.

I have to get my entire family into the dentist soon. *shudder*

Just checking did everyone get that Paracord bracelet instruction link I sent earlier?

Well that is probably all from me tonight gals. Need to focus on some other stuff. Hope everyone has a great night!
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Welcome to this nuthouse mommahen!! Happy to have you here, soon will feel like home and you won't be able to go a whole day without wondering what craziness is going on with everyone here!!! Happy to have you and all the other newbies lately!!! Fun to have folks joining!!!

Hope you all get all the teeth issues worked out soon!!!

Yes, thank you for the instructions Shanah, I got my plastic buckles today..bigger than I thought they would be and haven't gotten my cord yet....we'll see what they turn out like...

Here are my circle beginnings..can't do anymore until the chocolate caron gets here, so triangles and hexagons here I come, lol!!

Really to ya'll later
I am back!
had to come back and say that there are updated pics of my feathered ladies on my website. the link over by my avatar. It shows a pretty good idea of the mix we have. I am pretty sure they are all just mixed up girls and not one particular breed. They may not even be sex links....

There are a couple of movies there as well that might not work except for the sounds (which are charming) but I apologize in advance for the movies not working. I don't know how to fix them.

Off I go...if anyone wants to play the guess the type game with my hens feel free. The white ones are pretty obvious even though they seem small for Leghorns.

SE, those circles look yummy! You keep saying chocolate! AHHHH! I really want chocolate now and I think your chocolate yarn will be as delicious!
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Hi all, sorry I have not posted in a while, we had a death in the family
on 10/11. My daughters prize OEGB roo died, I went out for a smoke when I first got up saturday morning, and I heard Snowball screaming, so I went around back, and Ra was still in the box - he would sleep in the nest box with Snowball. I had noticed that none of the roo's were crowing that morning, Ra was always the one to start - at 4 a.m. Snowball is very depressed, we have been trying to distract her with the babies, she will just sit next to their cage and stare at them, sometimes pecks at the bigger ones, but mostly just sits there and stares at them

On a brighter note, I took some more baby pics tonight, I will work on posting them on their own thread soon, but here are a few teasers
This is the one we are calling "5 toe" right now, she has 2 back toes on both feet, we might change her name to peanut, she is 1 week old, we are not even sure of the breed

This is one of the frizzle cochin bantams, she is 2 weeks old

This is one of the 1 week old standard blue cochins

This is one of the 2 week old cornish bantams

I am calling them all
right now The 4 standards we have are supposed to be pullets, but all the bantams are straight run, so I am hoping I have mostly pullets
Awww, sorry to hear about your roo, Greenapple and Natapple!
I didn't know that chickens would form such bonds, I feel bad for Snowball. Maybe she will choose a new baby for a new friend.

Your babies are absolutely gorgeous!!! I hope I am so lucky. We aren't getting any fancy ones, but still...
Thanks for sharing those pics!
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So sorry Lisa about your roo but those babies would sure help me move past a broken heart!! Talk about cute!!!!

Yeah, that chocolate colored caron apparently is only ordered through the company now so that is the reason for the delay but that will be the next circle color and then repeat the ones I've already used. In the pattern picture on the site, where I have the autumn red, they have an electric blue..pretty but I liked the red better. The circles are easy to do, it's all sc and the rounds prior to the red one are 2 sc in each one, the red round is 2 sc in one then 3 sc in the next 3 then another 2..thats how it gets bigger..really easy then there are some simple triangles to make the circles into squares and join. 20 circles. I think I'm really gonna like it and haven't made anything with caron yarn in a while, forgot how nice it is to work's one of the yarns walmart carries in some colors so if you can catch a few rolls for half price you should grab them!

That Patons Divine I found at the Dollar Tree in the brown and blue..meant to take a picture of it and forgot ...but anyway I saw that in Michaels this week for 4.99 a skein..exact same yarn!!!! I sure lucked out there! I have only seen the Patons at one particular dollar tree (looked in 3 others since) and the rest only have that slub yarn that I rarely use. So keep your eyes peeled and maybe you'll be there on a day they put some out at your dollar tree too!

Just as an update...after the fall swap officially closes out there will be a few new things happening in this thread..they are...(and yes, there will be lists, lol!!!..I do love a list!!!
).. .

1. You will see a sign up list for Secret Santas with a few details about that...NO OBLIGATION and no hard feelings if you choose not to participate...and you are NOT allowed to leave the thread if you opt out of the secret santa project!!!!

2. You will see reminders about a Christmas gift box for our hooker pal in Iraq - the event that you want to send her something from home ...I have her address and you can send something on your own or send it to me to be included in a flat rate box from all of us...NO OBLIGATION and no hard feelings if you choose not to participate...and you are NOT allowed to leave the thread if you opt out of the Athena project!!!!
Angie is workingon getting the Troy's Place list posted in case you just want to send general troop gifts..again the no obligation disclaimer applies...

3. You will see a new first page on this thread with some basic details for the Spring Granny Square Swap. with the "Anything Goes" theme about Squares, Triangles, Circles, Hexagons.......and yes, a sign-up list will be generated...I hope you will feel an obligation to this one and I would like to make an effort to boost recruitment for the spring swap too...maybe everyone on this thread make an effort to recruit AT LEAST one more person..either from the BYC site or someone you know personally..chicken owner or not...just have them join BYC and drop in on this be thinking about your person to, sister, brother, husband (kilt optional!!) friend, co-worker...lets get this thread so rockin/hookin busy in the spring that it's the talk of the whole forum!!!! That's your challenge!!

Sooo anyway, those are some things to look forward to as we wind down this swap...just trying to keep everyone "hooked" in!!! Have a great day ya'll!! Gonna shell a big bag of pecans today and freeze them until nearer Christmas and then toast them for my Christmas baskets.
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How funny... this will be the next "tried and true" election predictor.... LMAO Which prez candidate gets crocheted the most... LOL
Troy’s Place


Major Troy “Trojan” Gilbert

We would like to introduce you to Troy’s Place, The Ministry Center at Joint Base Balad, Iraq. Troy’s Place is a place for military members to relax in a wholesome environment in their off duty time. It is named after Major Troy “Trojan” Gilbert, an F-16 pilot KIA on 27 November 2006, 30 miles southwest of Balad AB. His legacy of investing in the lives of others carries on 24/7 in the home that bears his name. Troy’s Place serves as a morale building site, where military members can find many comfort items such as movies, books, magazines, music, games, stationary for letters, snacks, coffee, and drinks. There is no charge to them, but their experience is priceless. We need your help in order to continue the work at Troy’s Place. The following items are a suggested donation to help insure its continued success.
The items *** are highly sought after items.

Thank You,
Athena S. Tickner
Troy’s Place Volunteer Coordinator

Suggested list of items for Troy’s Place
Food Items:
Crackers - Cheezits, 100 calorie packs etc (very popular when we have them)
Cookies – Teddy Grahams, Oreos, Chips Ahoy, etc
Candy – suckers, miniature candy bars, gummy bears/worms
**Chocolate bars, Gum
Raisins and other dried fruits - small boxes, not the big ones, or bags
Applesauce/Fruit Cups
Oatmeal (instant, in small packets)
Chips – lunchbox size bags or Pringles of any type
Beef Jerky/Slim Jims
Granola Bars/Cereal Bars – all kinds of them
Little Debbie type items
Cup O Noodles or the Lipton Cup o Soup
On the Go Drink Mixes
Tuna kits, small microwavable items (spaghetti, chili)
**Flavored Coffee Creamers
Popcorn, microwave packs
Pop tarts
**Popsicles – the ones that come in a box, in plastic tubes, then you freeze them.
Our hospital ministry hands the popsicles to our injured troops, and they love them.
Basically, any small package items found at a Sam’s Club, Costco, BJ’s or wherever. Many of the cookies and crackers are in ‘lunch box’ aisles at stores.

Hygiene Items:
**Shampoo, Conditioner and Body Wash – for men & women
**Body/Foot powder
Tissues (pocket packs)
Wipes – handy wipes, baby wipes, antibacterial, etc
Razors – for men & women
Shaving Cream
**Eye Drops
Toothpaste, Toothbrushes and Dental Floss
Antibacterial hand sanitizer
Batteries of all sizes
Ziploc Bags, snack and sandwich

Family Support:
Phone/Calling Cards – International
**Greeting cards, blank note cards, thank you cards.

Please send your items to the base chapel at:

Troy’s Place
332 AEW/HC
APO AE 09315-9997
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