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Morning all!

All the bling just CRACKS ME UP!!!!

I've had coffee...though I drink doubt any of you ladies would like it

My SS is done, with the exception of one thing....I need dh to drill 1 hole for me on something, but he'll take care of that tonight. I could do it, but at least if he does it and messes up....I can blame him and not myself

I have 2 ornament swaps and 2 gift swaps...and they're all going out tomorrow!!!! YAHOO!!!
This is the first year of the 6 that I've been active online that I've joined gift swaps and it's been so much fun!

Gotta a list of things to take care of today, so I'll be around tonight, maybe!

Have a great "hump-day" everyone!
I've had my hot tea. Can't stomach coffee anymore. Quit drinking it when I was preggers with my son 2 years ago. Tried to start drinking it again and made me sick. I used to drink it all day long. Weird??? I'm hoping to have a better day and I have to go check on my babie that is wheezing. Hopefully she'll kick it on her own. Like I said I've never had a sick one but this is my first year as a "chicken farmer".

I'm going to forget about my couch getting sliced up. He keeps going to the couch and pointing at it and saying "BAD BOY"....almost like he's proud of it.
I'm not giving him anymore attention about it.

As for attention that kid gets more attention than you can believe. I never leave his side and when I do see what happens.

I'm really whipping out the dishclothes. Even putting a nice little border on them and mixing colors. After I get some of these done I would like to work on some granny squares then a baby afghan. My little sis is preggers and she already told me that is what she wants. What would be some good patterns to start with? REMEMBER....I'm a beginner.

Hope everyone has a nice day! I'm happy to hear from Scoot!! Wishing the best to everyone.
Lovemychix, Sorry, didn't mean to imply that you weren't paying attention. Sounds like your guy just likes it a lot. I am not experienced with raising a boy...Good idea with the couch.

I have running around to do in the snow (driving. bleh...) so I will be gone most of the day.

Hope everyone has fantastic ones!
He's very high maintenance!! I stay home with him and he sure does require a lot. My daughter was nothing like him.
I love him, but he's a pain in my butt.
Hey, all! I took today off to finish up a few projects, ss included. And since we seem to have caught all the mice we had, I really need to clean out my kitchen cabinets & drawers. (I'll never bring stuff from an auction into the house before checking it out again. Mice - ugggghhhhhh!!!
I have a few things left to do for SS, and then it'll be ready to go in the mail Friday. Yeah!!!
I'm with you, Amy, this is my first time doing an exchange online too, and I've had so much fun with it!!! When I tell people who my project is for, they all want to know how in the world I ended up having a SS from so far away!
Scoot, hope dh's fever breaks today and he can begin the healing process. Maw, you feel better too, okay? Hope all the sick chicks get better too. Sk, don't stay gone so long! You had us all worried! And, chix, sounds like he's a handful. My youngest was like that, but he did eventually grow out of it. For a few months, I wondered which one of us was going to survive. We both did, but dh & I both ended up with a few gray hairs. Just get out the clairol bottle & get ready!!
Karan, as for the babyghan(s), I'll volunteer. When Okie finds out whether she has one, two, or more buns, ya'll can send the squares to me & I'll put the ghan(s) together. Okie, let us know as soon as you know, ok? And tell us if you'd rather have pastels or primary colors. When it gets closer, I'll send out the instructions & pm my addy to all who are interested.
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Karan: I joined the Missouri thread. Hope they take in an Iowegian.

Karan and I found out we live about 10 miles from each other. Isn't that awesome.

I can't wait until I get better at this stuff so I can join your swaps!!!
Thank You!! Thank You!! Thank You ... For the pattern for the Fisherman's Ring!! I was looking for a nice square pattern to do an afghan for an upcoming nephew (due in March) and I think this is perfect!! His Daddy is a HUGE bass fisherman, funny how the name works out.

Went to the dentist this morning.

A simple extraction turned into a very' nightmare. The tooth broke, he had to drill the root in half and then ended up cutting a third root out (an EXTRA root. Bonus!!
) and I have 4 stitches because of it.

I look like someone socked me upside the head, I'm so swollen. Of course, I have a parent's night at my daughter's school tomorrow. I told my husband if anyone asked, I was going to tell them that I mouthed off one too many times and he slapped me.

He was less than amused.

Anyway, off to ice my jaw and pop a Vicodin.

See yinz all later!!

I have been browsing patterns just to see if I can somewhat understand what they mean. I know I must sound like a dummy!!
The only ? I have is the - 56 ?????
and the ch-3.

Row 1 (Right Side): Dc in 4th ch from hook and in each ch across, changing to CB in last st; turn – 56 sts.

Row 2: With CB, ch 3, skip first dc, dc in next dc and in each dc across, dc in top of ch-3; turn.

Mangled: Take it easy. That sounded painful.
LOL Funny funny!! When I had a swollen jaw and / or a black eye, Jim always gives me that excuse to use!! "just tell em I smacked ya for mouthin off one too many times, and if they don't believe you, tell them I'm fixin to do it again!"

Great news, the PTA chairperson called, and they canceled the holiday fair for today!!!! The wind is picking up bad, think I saw SE, clicking her heels as she was flyin by a few minutes ago.
Caydence already had speech, and we cleaned the church, and did the feed store, so yayy I get to finish cleaning my house today.
Ya did catch that it wasnt an enthusiastic yay,,,, right? lol

OH! Who does macrame? My mom brought by two spools of the rope stuff by. I havent a clue, other then, if done right, ya get a great hanging plant holder. lol
Mangled, I really don't like dentists. Keep taking your meds & you'll feel better soon!

Chix - no you absolutely DON'T sound like a dummy. You are still learning the language! Our Spanish 1 & French 1 students aren't expected to read & speak the new lingo the first week of class, and neither are you!!!

Translation: Row 1 (Right Side): Double crochet in 4th chain from hook and in each chain across, changing to Color B in last stitch; turn – you should have 56 stitches.
Row 2: With Color B, chain 3, skip first double crochet, double crochet in next double crochet and in each double crochet across, double crochet in top of chain 3; turn.
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