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Okie ~ I made some thread ornaments this year and starched them. All I did was iron it flat, sprayed it with starch front & back, let it set for a few minutes, then ironed again, front and back. I would recommend spraying it on a washcloth/towel/rag to keep from soaking your ironing board, though. After ironing, just let it dry and you're done! HTH

Hey, everyone! I'm still around, just not feeling the greatest in the world. I'm never sick like what I've been this year (not including the migraines), but I can't seem to shake stuff this year.

Not much going on around here today. I tackled Mt. Washmore and won! All done now! I also swept and straightened up the livingroom and the kitchen. I still have dishes to do, though.

Now I've just got my usual work load to get done, especially if I want to get paid next week. OK - off to watch "Ghost Whisperer" - my favorite show!

Have a great night, everyone!
Just popped in to say Hi...

I have kept up with the posts..but, slow internet and the usual issues we have out here..

I'm saddened to hear that so many are sick, but then, it is winter, and cold weather is upon most of the US.... Im not in an area to watch the news, so, Im totally out of sync with what is happening (usually) back home. What news I get is off the internet... (What would we do withut internet??).

I do know, most of the US... is blanketed in snow... ((I remember that, because I grew up in Mass!)) and I do know, even in Florida/Georgia where I have homes, we have dipped into the freezing temperatures, as my family and friends have written to tell me that they have moved my plants indoors, etc...

As for personal news, I got my leave approved to meet my two youngest in Germany at the end of Dec... They will arrive in Frankfurt on the 24th, and hopefully, I can get to Germany around the same time.. It's not like I can purchase a ticket... I have to see if there is space available on any one of the cargo planes that leave in and out of, please, everyone,... pray for space and timing on an aircraft departing right around Christmas time... I would love to see my children and yup, take Commander Fowl with me...

Then, right after Christmas, starts my countdown to go home... I am hoping to leave end of Mar, first of April.... and right after I get back here from leave, i will start to search for jobs... so, another prayer request.. a job, close to home... I know the job situation is rough back home, but, perhaps with a little planning (and God's help) everything will work out. That ole saying...when one door closes, another opens..

Also, been looking and researching to see where I can get my flock started again.... I have picked out the chickens I want (all hens, since I live in the city), and have narrowed it down to Welsummers and Wyandottes.. I need very docile hens.. good layers.. I also want 3 or 4 rescue/battery hens... older gals (like me), who want to live out the rest of their lives, living in luxury in a chick

And.....have been reading up on soap making, candle making and container gardening... and thinking of raising a couple of bunnies, too.. (That is aside from my 2 manx cats and my 18 yr old Shar Pei/Rhodesian Ridgeback mix...yes, she is 18 dog years... as of last Aug!!) She is truly an amazing dog... has health issues of course, but still doing fine. Currently, Sachi, my dog, lives with my daughter and 2 granddaughters.. and they love her to pieces..

OK, just wanted to check in and say hello... and I end up writing a small book

You ALL get well for the Christmas holidays and hug your children each and everyday... just cause you can!!!

and have a Mery, Merry holiday season!!
Howdy gals I am here and everyone check your pms, ummmm athena, you are in my thoughts and prayers, that you will gett to see your kids soon and return home safely to us. we love ya gal.

Purr, what a beautiful babe, I sure can't wait to see a pick of him in his momma's arms, that will really make me smile. it must be awful not getting to be with him, they would have had to chain me to the bed, to keep me away from mine.

gals I sure hope we start feeling better soon, I am going to go but another log on our fire and cook us up somemore noodle soup. get more kelnexes and cold meds for us all. so hang in there and we will all get through this. LOL!!!

well I am off to watch yet another christmas movie Scrooge this time. and drift in and out of sleep so please take care and have a safe and happy weekend!

or and Skand Happy Birthday gal!!!! we love ya. Maw.
Garrett is just beautiful!!! Congratulations, g'ma!
Skand, so glad you had a great birthday. How many was this one??? Careful, you'll be catching up with me soon...

Wow - I've read a lot about you, Athena, and wondered if you ever got a chance to post. So glad to hear that you're doing well. Best wishes on finding just the right job for when you return. Some areas are doing very well, and some are not. Depends a lot on what kind of job you're looking for. Please let all our wonderful men & women in uniform (and the support people who are there as well) know that they are in our thoughts and prayers.
Scoot, how's dh feeling? Better, I hope!
Chicks Rule, do you have big plans for your b'day tomorrow? Hope its a great one!
My SS box went out today, and should be at
's house by Tuesday. Hope you like it! (And I really hope everything arrives in the same condition I mailed it in!)
I think I'm feeling a little better, but as soon as Stargate is over, I'm heading to bed. Might take yarn & hook with me, or a book.
Ya'll all have a great night.

I hope we all get functional again so we can all be funky instead of in funks.

So much is going on right now! WoW! Athena, Great to hear from you, Please Please Please let us know when you get your Secret Santa gift. *ahem*... *wink* wink* I might have a personal interest especially in that result.
And I know it will take longer for your SS partner to get hers as well as you to get yours, so don't worry about deadlines as much. Yours has been mailed, that is what I know.

TB1 Cutie pie Grandkids!

Ummm...Oh yeah time for....
Secret Santa Police (everyone has been doing a great job of reporting! Thanks!)
1. SE - Mailed and received
2. Maw
3. Athena
4. EastTn/Steph
5. Scoot - Mailed
6. Amy
7. Karan
8. No Chicks/Susan - Mailed
9. Rocket/Shanah - Mailed
10. Guitarists/Angie
11. TB!/Teri - Mailed (tracking number posted in post 3376)
12. Skand/Stephanie - Mailed
13. Jacie - Mailed and received
14. LC/Kay - Mailed
15. NewChickenFam/Jennifer
16. Elcunni/Erin - Mailed
Okie ~ I made some thread ornaments this year and starched them. All I did was iron it flat, sprayed it with starch front & back, let it set for a few minutes, then ironed again, front and back. I would recommend spraying it on a washcloth/towel/rag to keep from soaking your ironing board, though. After ironing, just let it dry and you're done! HTH

I don't know if just ironing will do the trick for this in particular. It's a snowflake ornament with tiny little ends, and I have to pin it to make sure that it takes shape properly. I had bought some stuff specifically for stiffening crochet thread are ya tellin' me I only need reg ole starch?
I guess I can just pin it and then spray it until it's drenched. Is that how I need to do it? Thanks for your help!
Hope your day is wonderful and you get treated like a princess all day!!!

Teri those kids are so cute!!! I love that age, they smell like puppies!!! Speaking of, someone asked about my puppy after her surgery (yes, I will get a pic this weekend) she was back to knocking over the trash cans and chewing the insides of our shoes in 3 days after her surgery (we got her spayed and she is now 7 months old - dachshund puppy) this puppy is so loving and kissy and would go with anyone or try to lick the face of a dinosaur ..sweetest disposition ever but HYPER!!!!!!!! Very hyper in fact!! My cantacerous older dog is worn out at the end of the day from her ears and neck being chewed and her toys stolen and just generally trying to have a nap or some peace with the wild thing running circles all day!! Whew she has so much energy it's unbelievable!! But she was over the spaying in a few days all fine!

Gotta make breakfast, catch up with ya'll later
Happy birthday Chicks!!!!!
Here's my leftover birthday drink...all yours hehehehe

ewww Jim shot a skunk this morning....
We trapped one wednesday night, animal control came and got it. Got another one thursday night, animal control came and got it too. Then he sets the trap last night.. umm animal control doesn't do skunk on the weekends... ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Can I possibly tomato juice the house?
Thanks SE, No big plans here everyone is busy and I am watching a couple of the grandkids around noon, woke up way too early with a huge headache and neck pain, must be showing my age, lol

Thank you too SK, will that drink mix well with my coffee???????
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uhhh yeah...
Ya do realize, it won't make you lose balance. lol We call it Ensure. lol
After having 31 of these things, liquor's not allowed at my fun times. lol

Skunk spray anyone? It's free, and I'll share! Dang ole nose is burnin bad... Think it'll find me no matter where I hide...............................................................................................................................................
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