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I's in my sig
have no idea how to do that though...

I am just barely getting through the first few steps. (*keeps chanting*) I also found this (might need to scroll down a little) I found all that because I was trying to find a picture of a chicken tangled up in yarn.
I sort of feel like that at the moment.
started on making everyone in the swap these little eggy keychains I found in one of my amigurumi books

SWEEEEEEEETTTT!!!!!! Course that "when I turn 50" which is light years away statement followed that....soooo I dunnno......30 lashes with the worsted weight from us old folks for that one, lol!!!!!

Risurocket (Shanah) is the avatar queen of the forum!!! SHe has a newer, cooler one every few days!!! That chick/egg one is precious!!! And, see, I told her there were piles of folks on this thread that would help her!!!! Shanah, you should be poking any eyes out either unless you are macramaing instead of crocheting!!!
Normally the yarn and the hook are not flying off so far in all directions!!!
You'll get the hang of it and be a professional hooker in no time, like the rest of us with our own corners, hahaha!!
Me, I prefer to hook on bed though......
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I was soooo confused by the instructions of all of the ones I found, mainly trying to understand WHERE I was to put my dc stitches after the foundation was done..... I had to watch a video to realize that you are going right through the middle when starting your dc's and it kinda wraps around so to speak. I was under the impression that you go through the stitches in the chain..... I was so frustrated because I was ending up with this big icky mess! LOL I definitely reccomend watching some videos to see WHERE your hook should be going

Ooooooooo Scotland! Do post some pics
I'm living vicariously LOL
OMGosh! That is exactly the problem I am having. I watched a video and was very relieved to find out that "in the ring" meant through the middle. However, I am still ending up with an icky mess. I will get it though...I just think I need a little bit more sleep first...
I stayed up WAY too late stubbornly trying to get something to fingers protested.

I will post pics for sure of Scotland. Thanks again Scrambled Egg for getting me on a thread with so much support and so many nice people! And I am glad my new obsession isn't going to injure anyone on the plane. Incidentally, I found out that pointy scissors (the little ones), knitting and crochet needles are allowed on planes now, so all I have to do is make sure my decent needle doesn't set off a metal detector.

Off to try happy hooking some more...well...maybe after a short nap.
Oh and I really wanted a chicken tangled up in yarn for my avatar. Maybe I should get on IloveTravis' list for getting one made after all.
heh (sorry, I rambled off here. still in sleepy babbly mode)
LOL Yup, and it's the same thing all the way around.... each round you are going 'around' the stitch... that's what they should say...AROUND! LOL
I am still getting a bit tripped up on how to connect my last set of dc to my first before beginning a new round.
I mean, what I do works... but I doubt that it's correct
More investigation is needed! LOL

Also, to all of you seasoned hookers
LOL Do I turn my work when doing Granny Squares?
no you dont turn your work when you're making granny squares.
it's done in the round so no turning i dont turn mine and so far they have come out right.
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Well it sounds like everybody is coming along fine, don't worry gals we'll get you there. My biggest problem with crocheting is the 3 yr grabing my yarn ball when I am going really good and really in to my work and not paying attention and running off through the house with it, I will be going along and start to pull up somemore thread and it won't come, I look up to see that my yarn is now wraped aroung the edge of the couch the end tables the lamps the kitchen table and chairs around the Island stove and in to her bed room under her bed and then finally find it stuffed under her pillow. So then I spend the next hour and a half unwinding it from every thing and then untangling the yarn and then rewinding it into a ball again. So I tried one of those clear yarn jugs wal-mart carrys that has the hole in the lid for the end of your yarn to be pulled through, but she just grabs the thread now and ends up ripping out all the stitchs I had just made. So then I decided to take them outside to play and maybe she would forget about my yarn, and it works, but I had to put it down to go answer the phone and come be to the teenage chickens running around with my yarn thread in their little beaks and not far behind them is my yarn jug taging behind. So I have come to the conculsion that I will have to make my self a cage to sit in when I crochet inorder for me to get anything done! Kids and Chicks I tell you what!.
I asked because I tried it both ways and I couldn't really see a big difference in how it looked, you have to look very closely to see that half of the stitches go one way and the others the other direction
But, it did seem to make the sets of stitches easier to place... I dunno
LOL I just want to make sure I get this right before I crank them all out for the swap!
well it depends on what you mean by turning, are you turning your work like a steeringwheel in a car or are you turning back in forth front to back? when you are working a granny square making rounds your work will turn like a steering wheel.
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