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NOOOOO!!! It wasn't me that made it, it was me however that spewed soda on the computer screen when she found it though!!!! Don't you love friends that share the good stuff with you?!! Can you just imagine the expression on the face of the person that got the body part package for Christmas?!!!! Deck the halls ya'll!!!!

Maybe a wedding shower gift?! I would fall in the floor laughing!!!!!
some people are just tooooooo creative for their own good!!!!
The squares were awesome though weren't they?! That Buckster could make herself a nice Granny Square coffee table book!! Her pictures are gorgeous and her squares are all perfect and beautifully colored...probably uses some of that high buck Scotish yarn like Shanah bought and is secretly hooking with!! Where is she anyway? Peeking under a kilt?!


I have an awesome book on granny squares, triangles and hexagons coming from amazon, can't wait to get it!! It's this one... "Beyond-the-Square Crochet Motifs: 144 circles, hexagons, triangles, squares, and other unexpected shapes"
Edie Eckman; Hardcover; $11.40 ...gorgeous hexagons and triangles in it!! I'm excited about branching out a bit from the squares, although I love them too and after looking through those Flickr pages there are millions of new squares I want to make....need to use up all my cotton though and started on new squares last night...will make enough to make an afghan and the rest I'll save for the spring swap to go with the hexagons I am playing around with too.

Well, gotta get a shower and get outta here...
my martini is getting warm...wish I were motivated like some of ya'll to exercise in the mornings...
oh well, no time..gotta get hubby up and dressed too...
.. ya'll ladies of leisure, have a great day!!
LOL!!! Hook on!!!
Omgosh! *that* is gorgeous! I can see why the staff would have wanted to buy it...I would have wanted to also! Very nice! Lucky baby!
beautiful blankie Mangled.
SE sounds like a great book...i might have to look into that one!
well y'all its pouring here again so imma gonna finish DH socks and do some hooking. nothing to big as im waiting for a pattern LOL
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Page #2 Total Spewer!!!!!
That is cracking me up. No really....Great link! You are so right that Buckster has some beautiful squares. I have granny square envy. I love the colors of the Grape Granny thing on page 2.

Mawchick I love the afghan you are making. That's an awesome pattern. Love the color combo to. Great job!!!!!!

Jc...That is an awesome colored green egg. It looks so big for a pullet egg. I will pray that my other 3 new EE girls will behave and give me green since Blanche won't.

Mangled I love, love looooove the baby blanket you made. It is so pretty. Glad you are back.

Does anyone have a sailboat granny square pattern? My sis is due in Nov and she is doing a nautical theme for the baby's room. Even an anchor or something along that line will do.

It's pouring here buckets & buckets.

Have a great day ladies!!!!!
Mangled that is a very beaituful baby blanket
wonderful Job

Scoot I've tried a couple of times can't get anything but the home page for those links.
Guess I'll just have to sign up to see them .

It's been raining here off and on for 2 days now it can quit any time for me. Don't know if it's the weather but I am just soo tired lately.
Can't seem to get up the energy to do my normal house chores. And of course DH won't just do it...
So my house is slowing starting to close in on me
I know that feeling Karan! No motivation whatsoever...I just want to curl up with a book and some yarn and alternate between hooking and reading or sleep.

My house, however, seems to be developing a distinct rumbling noise.... :thun something like an avalanche or a rampaging beast....I better get to it before I am trampled by dishes that have grown legs.
I got another perfectly formed pullet egg today! I was outside at about 4:30 and Muffy was telling the entire neighborhood she was going to lay (just as soon as my son and I left). It is a slightly different color from the first. More solid in color (i.e. not speckled as much), but the same size and shape.

Interestingly enough, Muffy has completely calmed down now. She was the evil chick that was always biting and scratching me. Today she wanted to be snuggled and petted!
Jc great news to hear about your hen, I lost one of my fav. baby girl turken to egg binding, at least thats what I think we got her first egg out and it was in the duct so long that it have formed a thick thick coat of blastodurm or bloom you know that last protective layer. Any way I kept a close eye on here and she seemed to be doing fine and I never did feel another egg in there, but about 2 weeks later hubby found her dead on the floor. He said to do a atuophsy (sorry don't know the spelling for that one) but I jsut couldn't bring myself to do that to her, any other chicken but not her she was my baby. But her hatch mates are doing well and I will someday have another fav. heny jenny. But I am glad to hear that your eggs are coming out good and dark and they seem to get a really good color on them after about the first two weeks of the start of the good laying season. atleast thats how my girls eggs go. and if you feed them elder berrys they will sometimes come out purple and all swirly like you have just dipped them in dye. We just recently found this out, when MIL feed some to her hens and she started getting eggs like that. So I tryed it and got the same effect and its really quite neat to see.

Mangled nice job on that blankie, I am sure he will enjoy showing it off this winter!

Scrambled I defantly have to say somebody has quite the creative artistic mind there on page two. And I agree with you on bucksters work those are some really nice squares she sould write a book or pulish a coffeetable book.

risurocket I understand about that rumble in the house but come to find out it was just the sizemagraph people blasting on the other side of the ridgeline there for a while though I thought I was haveing a bad reaction to my allergy meds. And then to top it all off the tub in the back bathroom started wimpering like a puppy and none of our dogs had puppies this year, thankfully DH came home later that night and mentioned hearing the same sound and after careful investigation we found someone had dumped 3 small pups in our yard and they crawled up under the house.
For most of the day I thought I had finally hooked myself of the deep end of the yarn bucket!

Scoot you should have your patterns by tuesday or wednesday of next week. God help the mail and the creeks don't rise!

Well ladies after a day full of laundry 10 load and still washing, and job hunting for DH in the welding and pipeline industry, 3 baths for the 3 yrold and 4 trips across the pasture to the MILs house in the rain I am bushed, to bushed to even sit and hook for a while so I will post ya'll tomorrow, have a great night Maw.
Welcome Wendy!! We'd love for you to hang out and chat in our thread..AND sign up for our spring swap when that happens!! Check the link in my signature line for millions of patterns, although the only animal pattern I've seen that was awesome was in the crafts thread recently..a washcloth..check that too and maybe th eposter will share her pattern and you can make blocks with made all of us ohhh and ahhh!! Again, good luck and hang around and mke some friends here, happy to have you!

Em, I forgot to mention yesterday how nice your blanket was!!! It's gorgeous!!! Lucky recipient!!!!

Goin to get my errands run early this morning and then hibernate for the weekend as we have Hannah rains coming our way, hopefully it will bypass our coast (70 miles from me) and go on out to sea and dissipate...never know and poor Louisiana, like they needed any more hurricane damage, hope they all dry out okay.

Sounds like lots of eggs and crochet goin on here, whoo hoo!! Dropping my stuff in the mail to you TODAY Maw!!! Be lookin out for it next week
Have a great day ya'll, hugs!!
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