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The more the merrier. Welcome Wendy!

Scrambled I hope the Hannah rains bypass you too

JC glad you're getting some nice eggs from your girl.

Scoot you are such a good Mom to help your DD with her deadline. Teenagers what can ya do with them?

Maw I have 4 more to finish up for the extras so I will be sending you another package at the first of the week.
Have you got the second package yet? I almost sent my stamps in there with it, that's the reason it was taped up.

Well girls, I'm going to the clinic this morning to find out what my blood test results are and hopefully figure out why I am so dang tired most of the time..
I'm so sick and tired of being tired.
I was totally worn out just from unloading and reloading the dishwasher after supper last night. Went to bed at 9:30 finished 1 square then shut off the light.
Welcome wendy glad to have you here on the thread. I would do a google for animal afghan patterns to crochet of knitt and see what that might bring up, and also check out ebay there are some really good patterns there too!

Karanleaf I have not got the mail today, but so far nothing yet, I am going to put a big plastic storage tote with a hole in the side and a flap on it for the post lady to start putting all our big boxs and bags and large envolopes in. That why they aren't hanging in a wal-mart sack from the mail box and being exposed to the weather.

Ladies don't forget to send return postage along with your squares. And labels.

Scrambled please take care and let us know how ya'll are doing during the impending storms, that goes for the rest of ya'll on the east coast leepsy, kantapple greenapple I will be worried sick until I know everyone is ok.

scoot I have got MIL getting me copies of both patterns and I will put them in the mail tomorrow. let me know when you have gotten them.

Well ladies I am going to go work and a few projects today I am now down to 1 UFO and almost done with my star afghan, and will work on some bowl cozies and them start my window afghan and that will knock 3 things off my list of 120 crochet projects in want to make. LOL later gals Maw.
hello..ladies!...thanks for nice welcome..
...i would love to join the spring swap...but i can hardly crochet!..
...but maybe a plain granny square i can do?..(i did try to google a search for a pattern..all i came up with was a chicken welcome sign.(that was pretty cute!)...i'll keep searching!..thanks again, Wendy
Welcome and don't worry, Wendy. I can hardly crochet either...believe me, these ladies here will totally help you out with that.

Prayers to those stormbound.
Good luck, Karan at the's hoping it's just some seasonal thing or something...

Maw, that puppy story cracked me up! Ah the sounds that houses can make...haha! remind me to tell you about the flying squirrels sometime.

I better get hooking. I need to come up with a pattern that will actually end up the right size and look like a square.
oh yeah and be easy enough for me to do...
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Thanks for the good wishes Shana
Well it seems all my cholesterol levels are great, my sugar levels are good, and my lipids are fine

it's my thyroid that is out of wack.

It's a bit too high so they are starting me on a med to level it back off. She said that would most diffently be a cause for my fatague, shakeiness and inability to concentrate lately.

So Hopefully in a week or so I will start feeling like my old self
or maybe even better

Sure hope so we are putting the plastic sheeting over the greenhouse, and lots of cleanup to do this weekend. And I have a promomational booth to setup for Our Greenhouse at the food feast next weekend.
So lots to do....
lots to do

Wendy we all started somewhere, no Big deal.. Just give it a go and see what happens.
I don't think knitting is all that easy myself.
I have tried it a time or two but just not enough to be real comfortable with it. So if I knitted something it would have to be a simple pattern. And the veiwer or reciept to be very forgiving.

Sure hope all of you come through the storms OK.
Squares on the way to Oklahoma Maw!! 2 boxes too, I couldn't fit all those squares and the soap I sent you in one flat rate box...and guess what the guy at the post office told me? He said this one is $10.27, I said, I thought flat rate was $9.95? He said, well, it would have been, but you crammed it so full, it isn't flat!!!! Holy cow!! Flat rate, really means FLAT!!! I cracked up!!! So make sure ya'll's flat rate boxes are actually flat or they cost more, not much more but seems they should actually be flat!!! Whodathunk that?!! I did 3 squares each so unless ya'll are doing that many it shouldn't be an issue for anyone else, maybe Maw when she sends them back...might want to remember that.

Wendy, you'll be an old pro by the fact, I think it's on the BYC schedule for you and Shanah to give some granny lessons before the swap!!!
j/k, don't faint or run away!! A basic square is pretty easy though and you will get the hang of it in no time...start now and you can have them done by spring!!

Raining already here and in the grocery store earlier the freezer cabinets were nearly empty..they were taking everything frozen outback to two 18 wheeler freezer trucks "just in case" I bought milk, bread, bottled water, lunch meat and canned soup...just in case! We were 5 days without power once in a hurricane but no flooding like Lousiana. A rainy weekend WITH power will be ok, I'll hibernate, cook in the crock pot, watch Law & Order and crochet like a mad woman!!!

Scoot, you must have gotten that star afghan pattern from Maw!! She'll have that afghan knocked out in a few we won't hear from here for awhile, lol!!

Well, got some housework to do and some supper to fix so I'll catch up with ya'll later!
hi scrambled...
..i would start now..
..i think it would be neat!..but..i dont really know the rules..and the squares have to be a certain color?..or...the rows differant colors? by granny square do you mean the "old fashinond" type with the center one color..and then you use differant colors as you go around?..sorry to ask so many questions...
, Wendy.....does any one have a picture of one?
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Being another crochet newbie-ette, Wendy, I will help you out, if that's ok...

SE posted this: *Crochet Links!* in her signature...the link didn't copy paste for me so you will most likely have to go to her link in her sig.
It has a million zillion links. The tutorial section is rather helpful. This is a favorite tutorial link -

you can knit, crocheting shouldn't be too hard, I would think, of course I should talk...I can't really crochet that well, but I find it easier than knitting.

The rules are easy, if you go to the first page of this thread, they are all there, and I assume they are relatively the same for the Spring one, just different dates.

At the rate I am going, I will be lucky to make it to the spring one. Hope that helps!
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Hi all,

Karan- :aww Sorry you have to start on thyroid meds but glad everything else looks normal. At least it is something meds can fix.

Maw-Thanks for the thoughts re:Ike. We got some much needed rain from Faye but nothing since. It's just a little breezy today but we won't feel any other affects from Hannah I don't believe. Ike may be another story though. Bought a little one burner stove today so we can warm up food if we are out of electricity like we were three years ago. Lost everything in our fridge and freezer that time. At least we have a generator that will run a freezer now. But it was awfully cold taking a shower in the rain. Hope I don't have to do that again.

Mangled-Loved the blanket. I just finished a white afghan for my nephew's first baby and will take it to the baby shower in a couple of weeks.

SE-Man, you have a lot of energy it seems like.

Wendy-Welcome! It just takes practice.

By the way, my six turkey eggs hatched and they are all doing so well. Keep your fingers crossed. One is named Faye and one is named Stormy because of the storm that was close when they hatched.

As for me, yesterday was my 65th birthday and it still surprises me. In my head, it seems like just yesterday(well,....maybe last week) that I was married and starting a family. How come, since I am this age, I don't have all the answers, just more complicated questions? I used to think when I was 40 I would know it all.
Oh, well.

Hi Leepsy, Happy Birthday!

Wendy, the colors I think were selected to be whatever...i.e. use your scrap yarn balls.

I have a square disaster teaching how to crochet for me...holy cow.
I made a TRAPEZOID! *sigh*

Wendy, I think I might end up in the spring swap with you after all...but if you get a jump on it, you could make it to the November 1st deadline for the fall one....

A trapezoid....
(just warning you all again that you might be getting some *really* interesting shapes from me...not nearly as interesting as some of the earlier links of earlier creations, but mine certainly aren't squares yet.
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