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You gals are a mess! LOL morning ladies hope everyone has a good day!

well we have almost heard from all our hookers and the list there is still 7 that are MIA! Tutter, yotetrapper, prairiegurl, Rafter7PaintHorses,JC12551,elcunni75,and jmatkovi. Come out, come out where ever ya'll are! if anyone knows or see these gals get that proden stick out and run'em this way! LOL.

Ladies all the wonderful projects and pattern writers ya'll are doing awesome!

and for all the newbies we love those first time whompie squares, so get to hookin!

well my DH's bloodhound got loose this morning and got ahold of 4 silkies 2 where roos that were going to replace my 2 old timers Roos and on was just a chick and the other was a hen from last years hatch, she got my fave one he was a brindle color I am sure he would have made some nice offspring, and I don't know who the dad or mom was so I don't think I can get that color again. darn those dogs. So now his dogs are for sale! and we are going to get a pyransies or how ever you spell it. well I am off to do chores later gals Maw.
dang Maw sorry about your chicks!



Aw man, Maw!!! Sorry to hear about your chickens... :aww Darn dogs...

Here's some distraction for everyone....

Work is still in progress and the gallery is just a summary of all the 1000+ pictures my DH took. Some of the pics have little stories with them so you will have to enlarge pics to see the stories. Enjoy.

Time for my nap so I can get some projects done later on this rainy day....

and extra
for Maw for her loss.
Hey everyone, I am still alive and well here in MO, lol. I just started my squares yesterday and have three completed, nothing fancy, but, you all wont mind right????

Lots going on around here, still taking mom to her chemo treatments, and my oldest bro. to his dr. appts. and watching grandkids through the week, man am I ever tired,
Sorry it took so long to get back with the name of the yarn I made my squares with, I rolled it while I was in my truck, so the label was out there somewhere. Sensation Rainbow Boucle Multi Art# 09732371 Color # 4011
Maw I am so sorry about the chickens, Darn Dog

Boy, Scoot you're just a chip off of SE with all that Bling on the screen.
Developing some antamation talent there are ya?

Thanks SE DH got the pattern for me just now. I may tackle it later. Got some other things in mind I want to do 1st.

Wow, Shanah took a peak at some of your photo albums Wonderful
The churches are amazing remind me of some we went through in Germany. Just breath taking. So glad you got to take such a great trip

Chicks rule sorry to hear your mom is going through those treatments, they are really hard on some folks. I hope she gets through everything well.
I will keep her and your brother in my thoughts
Work of a caring daughter and grandmother is never done. Your a good person

Greenapple, thanks, for risking your Insurance premium on getting the yarn label
Now, what road was it you drive on?

Remind me not to come that way
well gals I am back on track for now I got some hooking done today I worked on crocheting out the ladys name on the blanket and then I am making some grapebunchs applquies to sew on later.

The finial body count was 5 all male and from last years hatch. rguh so his dogs are now for sale! and one of mine as he was given to me and i really didn't want him and I am sure he would do better with either a female to breed or a single dog owner. And we are going to get those pyraneese. SO I spent most of the day making signs and then prepairing for the impending Ike that is headed my way. According to the news sometime around monday the eye or whats left of it will pass right over my little community. so I have been tying down coops and nest boxs as we have a bunch of free range game chickens and I don't want to wake up to see my hens in there nest boxs floating around the pond. LOL. And then to top it all off we were outside getting ready to come in for the evening and it started to rain and of course I have several dingy chickens that wanted to roost on top of a metal pen in a thunderstorm. so I had to do last min. round ups and such making sure no one is out in the storms. So I am beat No hooking tonight for me. I think I am going to surf a while and then go collasp in bed. take care ya'll and all those on the coast in ikes path. Maw.
Sorry to hear about the chickens Maw

I rolled the yarn
not my truck
was in a hurry when I posted though, needed to get back on the road so I could get back to hooking

I read a story somewhere about a mom that darned socks at red lights, I am not that bad yet, but stick me in a parking lot, or the line for student pick up at school...
btw I did 2 squares while waiting to pick up my DD this afternoon, school admins usually stop to see what I am working on

If the weathermen in my area are right, good luck to all living in portions of Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas and Missouri. Looks like ya'll might be in for a little wind and rain.
Maw may Ike treat you better than Faye did me
Maw sorry again about your chickens.

I know what ya mean as far as the round up in the rain we waited for the rain to lighten up to get the ducks in their shed for bed. It's been raining here off and on for 4 days and really steady most of this evening. We are in for the same tomarrow also. It looks as if the forecast is for storms all weekend.

Greenapple I'm glad to hear it was your yarn that rolled I was hoping you were a better driver than that. It's less expensive too. I crochet some when I take Noah to the bus stop in the mornings.

Well gals I'm getting a bit tired so I'm going to get the coffee ready for morning and take my yarn and get comfortable on my pillows.
Thanks karanleaf, My Mom is doing well with the chemo, she is taking the chemo pills one week on and one week off and gets a half hour treatment every other week. Last week her tumor marker had went from eighteen to fourteen, that is good, it was at 24 when they started the chemo treatments. My brother on the other hand may be fixing to be in a heap of trouble, (long story). And you are right about our jobs never being done. God Bless us everyone!
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