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Thanks Scoot
Good Morning to you too

I like your Chicken shooing gallery (didn't want to be shooting chickens)
Hope ya have a good catch to bring home.

Thanks Scrambled we are suppose to have all dry weather for the week and in the upper 70s. Yea
Be a hard at work week here to get alot of things done while the sun is shinning. Gota get new straw bales for the duck shed and get it cleaned and ready for winter. Going to open the divider in the run and move the Chickie pigs (my Cuckoo Marans) in with the big girls. And try to get the rest of the plastic on the Greenhouse. So lots to do...
So glad I'm feeling better and got the energy for it

Oh, we have to get a Momma cat and her kittens out from under our trailer too. I think she has 3 kittens I hear the meowing. I am going to try to find someone who needs a barn cat and kittens, DH has allergies

Hope everyone wakes up well and has a good Monday.
I realized I am behind on catching up on everyone's news... Just going to send out a great big fat hug to everyone to let you all know I am thinking about you. Sounds like things are drying out at least a little, great news about your stepmom, Karan, and sorry that it was 5th place, SE... sorry I can't take those kitties, Karan...too far away...
Good luck. Someone must need some barn kitties...and I love the idea for the family afghan. I even have a good pattern we can try.

Hopefully everyone will have a great week!

edited to add: Ack, just read an article that said Ike remnants did some pretty heavy damage to the midwest. Hope all of you out there are ok!!! I'll be watching for you to check in!
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morning ladies glad to see everyones starting the week off on a good note! well its bright and sunny in the 70's and will be most of the week. I didn't get any of the bad weather hear, makes the chickens happy and less misqutios well I have finished and sent off the 6-point and I think I will get started on the window. I am going to take my time on that one, do so washcloths and halloween decorations.

Karanleaf I did receive your last batch on friday, I just forgot to post about it. Sorry. well I will post ya'll later this evening i am going to go get busy. Maw.
Fall Granny Square Swap finial list.


1. Mawchikkidie - Fall Swap Organizer - Jessica- all squares received

2. Guitarists
3. Tutter-?
4. Betsy
5. Mangled
6. WeGotChickens
7. Smitty's Farm
8. RedHen
9. Scrambled Egg - Darlene- all squares received
10. Rafter 7 Paint Horses-?
11. leepsy
12. Greentree
13. Chicks Rule
14. Tiki244
15. Jenjscott
16. AlpacaChick
17. Scootersmom
18. Chickngurl
19. EastTNchick
20. greenapple
21. Amyquilt
22. Yotetrapper-?
23. Lovemychicks9
24. Jc12551-?
25. Elcunni75
26. Coffeelady3
27. Risurocket
28. Karanleaf---Karan--all squares received
29. Natapple
30. Purr
31. Jmatkovi-?
32. KellyGwen-?

Just wanted to bring the list forward, remember though that you can also go to the first page of the thread to see the list.
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It's me whose behind Shanah!! I can't figure where my time has gone, I am so swamped lately!!! Good grief..need more day in my day!! Got my book tonight Scoot!! I'm cramming in supper as I type this and then I'm gonna go check out those triangles, loL!!!!
well ladies I just heard from another one of our MIA hookers elcunni75 and she is still with us! YEA! hope everyone is doing ok tonight and working like mad wet hens on those squares! or like SE on those new triangles!

Well scoot I started on my window pattern today. but on the pentagons, using the 2 stands with the 4 ply brand they say to use they seem really bulky, did you get the same effect? so I am going to make 8 the way the pattern calls for with the holding 2 strands together and then make 8 with just one strand and when it comes time to put it all togather if the 2 strands pentagons look to funny then I am going to go with the one strand ones. and the ones with 2 strands would make a great tight weaved dishcloth.

well ladies I wil get a picture of my finished 6-pointed star afghan posted up for ya'll to cratquie (sp?) tomorrow. hope everyone has a splended evening and no midnight hooking accidents now! later gals Maw.
Check it out gals! something in my head finially clicked and i was able to get the granny square button onto the first page of the thread. It only took me 2 months of thinking to figure that one out. Can we say Supper Goobber! just linking didn't work so I have to save the button Pic to my computer and then upload it to my photobucket and then I could copy and paste the img code link in to the post. see what you can learn when you have compter savy hookers as Best Friends. You learn something new everyday and the wanders never cise to amaze me. Now all I have to do is learn how to do the smilescons and funny pics things like se and I will be a 21st century top notch posting hooker like Scrambled and scoot. well ladies off to see how much more I can learn be for the sleep meds kick in later Maw.

Oh for all you newbies who need a little more self condfidence heres a pic of one of my first granny square i ever did.

now mind you that I have been doing crochet for sometime but only ever did easy back and forth type project like blankets and scarfs, but this was the first square I had ever done and believe it or not it was for the spring swap earlier this year.

now here is another square that i did a few months later that i sent in with the squares for that swap.
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Maw that flower square is the bomb. So pretty!!! I love it. Scoot and SE , I ordered that same book from my craft book club last weds. and I got it today. I am so excited as I also got one other one and I can not wait to dig into them and get going . I am so hooked on granny's and I am totally amazed at all the 100's of different styles out there that you can make with them. I love doing those granny's and I am going to really practice up for that spring swap so I will be able to make all kinds of pretty ones for all of you next time. I feel kinda bad that mine are not going to be anything fancy at all. I promise next time they will be much better. trudy
Mine are definitely in the "not fancy" category. They are also slightly different sizes.
But they aren't too bad any more...and still mostly square shaped.

Oh, and ladies, I have decided to save most of my stinky sheep yarn for family...I figure it is safer to have them smell like sheep.
lau.gif, if you want a square from stinky sheep wool, please let me know (PM me) and I will make sure to make one and label it as yours. (the wool really does smell like's an acquired smell to enjoy, I think, and since it is pretty strong smelling, (my daughter told me I smelled like sheep for days after I purchased one of my wool sweaters) I didn't want to force it on anyone...)

Thanks for posting those Maw!
I remember that flower square Maw, can't remember who got it in the swap though, it was pretty!!! That first one is, ummmmm, ummmm, well, inspiring to newbies, lol!!!!! A bit crooked, lol!!! The practice did you good though, lol!!!

Trudy & Scoot, I didn't even open the cover of my book last night, after we ate and got the dogs settled down nd ready for bed I was just too tired, 4:15am comes really early to get up so I can't hang too late at night anyway..old remember!!lol!! I'll try to look at it at lunch today, really busy this week at work too and outside in the heat today, tomorrow and thursday..yuck...later ya'll, happy hookin..glad the missing hookers are coming home to the corner!! Those triangles are next on my to do list!!!!!!!!!
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