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shanah good luck with your egg stand I'm hoping to sell some of my eggs too, what else are you selling with the eggs. I was thinking I'd put some crafts and stuff out too.
My girls are 19 wks old waiting patiently for my first egg.
My friend has a farmstand and I just found out she's been throwing out her duck eggs, Her future MIL who is also a friend told me. She's crazy I'm hoping my 2 ducklings are girls so I can bake with those yummy eggs.

I could not find a pre-paid box, my post office had no idea what I was talking about, but they did give me a box and i'm stuffing it and we shall see how much shipping is.

can't do any hooking this morning chasing a two year old , I'm getting too old for this after her mother gets here I'll need a nap
Thanks Purr. My landlord sells all sorts of various produce. I was thinking about crafts too, once I ever get hooking enough haha...and maybe soap.... I really have to get my laundry done, but I keep thinking I am missing out on egg sales. I just can't be out there all the time though, or my demand will overdo my supply.
I will be getting that sign to put out for when I am home.

It's still a work in progress.

Must fly, gals. Have a sweet and productive Wed!
Edited to add: grr I hate it when my plans are foiled by outside forces. I had a good plan of the day laid out and it all went Kaplooey, all because I called the gas company to see if they could check out a smell and they told me to stay put and just when I was going to fly the coop, since the darn gasman didn't come out, my driveway gets full of construction trucks (landlord is getting a new roof on the barn) and I can't get out!
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Ya'll should check out the crafts thread, there might be some great things you could make and sell with your eggs at the stand. At least cookies and cakes and breads...lots of craft idea in that thread!! I got a 50% off coupon for Michaels today and that was burning a hole in my pocket so of course I went to Michaels!! Got some gylcerin for soap and some spider making beads, pretty Christmas red ones!...yeah, all about them on the crafts thread, lol!!

Laundry is breeding at a rate rabbits can't duplicate in my garage so I have to go tend to that, yuck...but I have learned one thing about being home during the week....NEVER would I have imagined the number of "male enhancement" commercials on tv!!!!! I leave it on spike tv to watch csi - ny and I swear every 15 minutes that irritaing whistling that sticks in my head begins and someone is talking about everything being bigger with whatever the product wonder we have so much crime if self-gratification is the number one topic of the day...every day...dang, not like it's an adult tv channel either....gee, must be alot of people that think about nothing, I have to fit in laundry, supper, housecleaning, critters, kids, husband, job, racing, crochet and other crafts....doesn't leave too much time to be worrying about ordering products for male enhancement....much less using them, lol!!!!
Shanah Like SE suggested get a bell, you could get a wireless door bell setup and make your sign Ring for service or something..
Surely you can bat your eyelashes at the drivers and get them to move the trucks so you can get out.

Purr your friend is right Duck eggs makes some wonderful bake goods I have used them for cakes and cookies and they have a nice rich flavor.
yum I even tasted some I scrambled up for a sick puppy. They weren't bad at all. Sure made fluffy scrambled eggs.
Unfortunely I have to wait for more Duck eggs as our duck Butter had died this June so I got 11 juvenile Rouens and ened up with 6 ducks and 5 Drakes. We sold 2 drakes we are keeping our Older drake Peanut, and at least 1 more of these younger ones. I figure 2 drakes with 6 ducks is enough. So I am looking forward to getting some new duck eggs this winter. I hope

That's the closest I could get to finding rappers to sing for her.

Lovmychicks I hope you can make head and tails out of my directions on that pattern. Let me know it wasa bear to write down grrrrr
heh it's time for me to do this
and say heck with it. I will just be going with the flow from now on.
eventually it will even out as I get more set up.

My stand is way out away from my house, I am not sure a wireless doorbell would work. Of course my laptop does, so maybe... It's ok, things will work out...I have gone to into the pits of frantic overwhelmedness to come out feeling pretty positive. weird.

I am off to the coop and to the cart to go hook. See ya later girls! I will catch on all your news then.
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Okay so here is my version of the pattern from Karanleaf. I decided that I did not want it so " holey" so I did straight dc instead of using ch spaces. I think it looks pretty good and I also added the dish cloth that I made up the design on. It definately is not perfect but with some tweeking I think I can make another one and make it work. I hope all had a great day and Risu hope you sold lots of eggs and not alot of stress with it. Talk at you all later. Trudy

Hey, everyone!! Even though I said I was mailing my squares last week, they are now really boxed, really, they are. I am not supposed to drive DH's truck unless it is an emergency, and it has been my only way to town.....

I am so depressed.... Ford denied the warranty on my transmission, so we have to pay to have it fixed....I have not even paid off the first one!! I really want to sell all the horses, and the chickens, and go back to work, so what i do will have some value. Right now I feel useless!!

Sorry to dump on y'all!!! Thanks!!


Trudy, those are SO pretty!! I love the sunflower! You must post the pattern!!
Hi leepsey...i am very sorry that i am just now getting around to postng the rest of that pattern for it is..

Row 8: Turn. skip first skip st in next 3 slip sts, sc in next 4 sc, hdc in last 3 hdc changing to blue in last hdc, 10 sts.
Rows 9-16: repeat rows 5-8 twice changing to Green in last hdc on row 16.
Rows 17-24: repeat rows 5-8 twice changing to Dk. Rose in last hdc on row 24.
Rows 25-32: repeat rows 5-8 twice changing to Lt Blue in last hdc on row 32.
Rows 33-40: repeat rows 5-8 twice changing to Rose in last hdc on row 40.
Rows 41-48: repeat rows 5-8 twice changing to Peach on last hdc on row 48.
Rows 49-56: repeat rows 5-8 twice changing to Dk Blue in last hdc on row 56.
Rows 57-64: repeat rows 5-8 twice; do NOT change colors at the end of row 64.
Row 65(joining row): turn, with right side together and working in back loop only of each st on row 64 and in free loops of beginning ch slip st in each st across; finish off.

let me know if you need the border pattern also...
..take care, Wendy
Oooo, Trudy! very gorgeous!

Awww, Nancy...
:aww Sorry to hear about your car... I hope you feel better and won't want to sell the farm...we aren't useless, we are working to be self sufficient and have a secure home for our families. right? I have never been very good at the advice thing, so just ignore me...

5 dozen today. 6 dozen yesterday for my egg report. My girls are not going to be able to keep up. They have only been giving me a dozen a day, for 24 birds. Half seem to be laying one day and the other half the next.
I don't know if they will keep up all winter.
ugh...and my customers so far like the dozens fresh from the nest the best. My cheater eggs will be gone soon... *bites nails* I had gotten some from the farm where my chickens are from to seed the market. They are working a little too well.

Unfortunately, no hooking to report. My day sort of unraveled into disorganized chaos. SE, I am going to add to the chaos eventually and try to make soap, I think. haha. I better wait though until I get my squares done. but I am going to browse the craft one for ideas then.

I am going to finish up here and head to bed with the hooks. Hope everyone has a great night!
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Thanks so much, Wendy. I know it must be a pain to type all that. I did work one up to the point you stopped last week but I didn't post a pic because it is not very pretty with just one color done. I am looking forward to crocheting the whole square.

If you don't mind too much I would really appreciate the border pattern too. I am not too sure how to finish out the circle to make it square even though I have the pics to look at.

Again, thanks a bunch.

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