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Good morning all,

Everyone sounds busy busy busy as usual. Maw, after you get back from your busy day at the dentist, I will join you on the couch with chicken soup, tea, blankets, movies and hooks, oh and kleenex... (I am so far behind on my squares.
) I am feeling the crud coming on as well. Really don't want to clean the chicken coop with the crud coming on... bleh...

Anyway, hope everyone has a great day and I will see you when I crawl out from my hole after the crud goes away.

Take care, and hope everyone else keeps the crud away.
Good morning, everyone!

for those that are not feeling well. Homemade chicken noodle soup is the best cure for that! I just fixed us some last night because 2 out of 3 kids are coughing and sniffling quite a bit. My mother and brother had colds this last weekend, so they were definitely exposed.

Maw ~ good luck at the new dentist today. I hope everything goes well.

Today, I am working on getting a few things done today around the house, as well as my usual transcription work. I don't know that I will get a chance to hook any more until later on in the week. Gotta get those squares done, though!

OK- back to work for me. Have a great day, everyone!
I'm behind on posts... LOL But I saw Smitty's Farm's post and just wanted to say...

I have a pair of the classic socks too that I have had for about 15 years now! LMAO I always felt a bit intimidated by the process and didn't want to mess it up.

This tutorial was much helpful and I hope you make one
They are much easier than they look and so much fun!
thanks for the replies! ......and ohhh noes!!!!!1 I saw a cupcake crochet pillow somewhere and I can't figure out where!! I thought it was here, but now I'm wanting to say that I saw it on the cover of a magazine at walmart! I did searches for crocheted cupcakes and none of them look like the one I thought I saw. I didn't buy the mag because I didn't want to spend any more money than what I was already spending. I bet that's where i saw it! I hope it's still there!
I posted this on the Christmas crafts thread already, but wanted to post it here also, as I feel like both groups have contributed to this realization:

You guys have really inspired me to get moving on my crafting for Christmas. I have been so overwhelmed with all the changes that our family is going through right now, and also being in school; Money is really, really tight, and I'm not sure how Christmas will go for us this year. But you all have really inspired me to JUST DO IT, even though overwhelmed. And it has helped. Thank you

little bits at a time and I'm sure something will get done! LOL
Hang in there the economy has got to get better! This thead has been awesome for me to. I was just thinking the same thing last night. Thanks everyone!!!!!!!

I learned how to crochet from my grandma when I was about 7 yrs old, but she didn't teach me how to read patterns. My MIL taught me a pattern for an afghan about 16 yrs ago, but that was hands on training. It was the only afghan pattern I knew. I didn't even know how to do the granny square until the last spring swap. So these swaps have forced me to learn how to read patterns. It's awesome....I'm very thankful!
I've been wanting to make sooo many things and couldn't. I guess I was just so busy w/ life that I didn't take the time to learn how until now.
Thanks Hooker!!!!!!!!

Queen Scoot you are missed!!!!!! Hope your puter is fixed soon.

SE I keep finding yarn stashes all over the house, so at least yours are organized. I guess I'm an unorganized horder. LOL!!!!! I thought I had tracked it all down to get it in one place, but I found some in my office closet & another purse bag full. HeHe!!!!!! You know........ you whip out those afghans so fast, I bet your stash will dwindle down quickly.

Thanks for that link!!!! Awesome!!!! I printed the step by step directions out. I have to admit that the sock monkey kit has been sitting on the shelf since before my sis's second baby was born and he turned a yr old in march.
I was intimatdated to and didn't want to mess it up and then I forgot about it until recently.

Maw & risurocket ~ I hope you are both feeling better and ward off the crud.

I'm exhausted today myself.

Napoleon is in the run w/ the girls, so I have to go check and see how naughty he's being. He's a very bad roo!!!!!
He's been separated from them for a while, so they could recover their saddle feathers. I don't know what happened this morning. I came back from taking dd to school and they were all in the run together.

I need to make a pine shaving & feed run. All I really want to do is sit and finish my squares. It's gray, gloomy & over cast today.

Ok ladies!!!!!! I hope everyone has a great day! I'll check in later.
HHIII!!!! We are back from vacation!!! Had a great time, met some really nice people, now I am glad to sleep in my own bed!!

My Herrschner's order was supposed to arrive BEFORE we left so I could work on Christmas presents while riding in the truck, but it did not show up..... Now a week later, NO package, but UPS shows it delivered...... Part of it was back-ordered, and that has now shipped. Herrschner's said they would reship the order, but now ALL the rest of the yarn is backordered!!!!!

Have a great day, everyone....I MUST go to the grcery store!!!

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