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Good Morning All! Just checking in. Have been so busy at work I haven't had time to even read - - guess that's what they are paying me for
Took me an hour to just get caught up reading.

Welcome everyone new!
:welcome I love all the projects - hats, mittens, squares - wow. I have been busy - got all the alpaca fleece sorted and off to the co-op at the end of October. We shipped 1,200 lbs. I sorted about 200 lbs in my garage. I am working on Christmas gifts - about three projects going at once. I am making a shawl for my mom out of my alpaca, I knit until I run out of yarn and then have to spin some more before I can knit again. Next time I will know to make tons of yarn before I start, but at least I don't get bored doing one thing. I am crocheting leg and wrist warmers for my granddaughter, but I bought the yarn. I am spinning some yarn to make my DD a hat. Wow - I wish I could take vacation til Christmas to get all this stuff done.

I am so excited about getting my squares. I think I will add them to the ones from the Spring swap and make an afghan. Yes - I am in on the Spring swap again. I crochet my squares on the rapid (train) on the way to work and everyone always asks me what I am doing and if I got my squares shipped.

Sorry about all the losses - we lost 3 angora rabbits since last year and are now down to 4 fuzzies. We sold all our angora fiber this year to a lady who has it added to her alpaca fleece when she gets it processed. Won't have as much to sell next year - - when (think positive) my house sells and I move out to the country I will get more rabbits, and will finally be able to get some chicks. (No I don't have any chicken yet) Just 8 alpacas and 4 rabbits at the farm - dog, cat and 2 doves at home.

Hope all you not feeling well feel better
I took today off to get ready for turkey day so I better get going and clean, shop, cook - wow, I'm tired already. I would rather sit on the couch and hook, knit or spin - I will try to check in later.

Sorry for the long post - its been awhile.

Good morning everyone. Hope everyone got to sleep an extra 5 minutes this morning... hahaha

Perched.. Come on in, refreshments, snacks to the left. Yarn, beads, string, ruffles and lace to the right. Convo, giggles and guffaws everywhere around ya, just jump right in. lol

Dont forget ladies, while your doing all the cooking, REMEMBER to clean the toilet! That way when it all time crunches down, you've already got it done. lol
lol Me thinks my turkey won't be thawed out in time. Heck, I don't want to do any holiday anything.
Yup, I'm heading to Maw's. We're gonna toss the kids, er I mean send the kids to gramma's. Then we are gonna head for the pond, and not even take the yarn.
Did you guys get a chance to check out the tread yesterday "Is my rooster gay?" OMG!! It's pretty funny. It got locked!!! I think you can still veiw it. Those people are nuts!!!

So....anyone have a chicken hat pattern? Really want to make one for my chicken obsessed daughter.

Well. I'm hosting the Butterball this year so I have to start making pies and prep work, straighten up the's not too bad, and hopefully work on some crochet. the way!! It cracks me up that I am actually a real hooker now!!!
lol does it make up for hippie jim jr ?

Maybe a bit
I let him play it a few times before he shipped out... LOL Good ole Chicken Dance
ok y'all i have a mission for yas!!
i am in search of a really neat granny square pattern. my DD opend the baggies of squares so i didnt get to see who made this one! and i would LOVE to find the pattern or the person who made it!
Good Morning! I am playing hop scotch (or something involving getting up and down every 5 minutes) with my thermometer in the brooder today since I am going to have to leave them for awhile starting tomorrow!

SE, your link is hilarious! I saw that one but wasn't brave enough to post the link.

Erin! (and welcome home SE's Erin later today)....

I stayed up way too late dragging Perched to our crazy corner and so I am a bit fuzzy headed, but I want to catch up. And if I don't get moving you are all going to post more on me before I can reply!

Lovemychix, Maw is making a hat for Mommahen, maybe she has a pattern for you too? Congrats being a real hooker! Isn't great?

LOVE all the bling this morning! The stuff is addictive, I am telling ya!
I don't think it will take too long for Perched to get a hook...I am going to keep on her but probably for after the holidays.
I might even donate to the cause! Thanks everyone for welcoming her in our usual warm and crazy way!

Skand, thanks for the toilet reminder.
Fortunately I get to go away for this dinner thing, but my cat loves bleach so maybe I will leave the bathroom smelling bleachy fresh for him.

Your Majesty you have made me all the more anxious to get my squares wow!

I must get out to the coop now. Hope those girls didn't have as wild and crazy of a night as my party babies did! (though mine are laying eggs well still *knock on wood*...wish I could send some all your way...)

See ya a bit later in between trying not to burn the house down with my pie baking.
Morning gals, first off I want to say WELCOME to perched! glad to have you with us, join right in and have some crazy hooker fun!

My Queen, elcunni75 is the maker of that squares so you might pm her for the pattern.

Ris, please becareful as we don't want to lose you to a pie fire, we would all be lost!!

Chix I am working on writing that pattern for 1momahen as the lady who orgainally came up with that hat will not be nice and share the pattern, so I am trying my hardest to come up with one pretty darn close. so as soon as I get it made and written and such I will make a post asking everyone who wants a copy to pm me. So keep an eye out for it.

And like I said last night the bipolar kicked right in and I was up a 1am with an idea stuck in my head on how to work that pattern. But then got stuck again.

Oh well I have all day today and all night tonight again. well just in case I don't post this evening, Yeah Right, but just in case, everyone have a safe and Happy food filled and family filled Thanksgiving, and I will try to post on friday morning, but I may be to excited to get out the door,to go get our new puppys. So I will post pics of them on saturday.
well I am outta here ya'll take care maw
sorry its taken me so long to get pics of my 2 new girls from dutchick but i wanted to wait till they were here are my 2 polish girls the golden laced is Pebbles and the blue splashed is Cloud. will take better pics later


and of course Bubba(Tonto) their faithful guardian!!

hes 11 months old today! and weighs almost 100 pounds!

ETA i should really get off of here as i have tons to do!!
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