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No Wally-Worlds for me today. I never shop black Friday, except for Jo-Anns.

SE....Christmas in July!!! Sounds like fun!

Still working on the details of the two mystery swaps I'm going to host ....hehe....keep y'all wondering!

Today just doing some clean up and then trying to do a bit of sewing and hooking!

Y'all have a great day!
I was sooo Eggcited that I opened the box as soon as Dh handed it to me. Took some out and goggled and aahhhed, then closed it up a few minutes later opened it again, before we got back home from the bank and auto parts store I had opened and closed it 5 times... Soooo, I fixed lunch and as soon as we finish eating I cleared the table and here they are.....


Look Look aren't they beauitiful???? Oh you know they are ya alll going or already got some too.

And Dh asked me if there was enough to make a jacket??? geesh is he kidding ??? Some are doubled up on top of each other as they came from the same and are same. They are all GREAT

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Oh those are just gorgeous!!!!!!!!

I can't wait to get mine in the mail. I'm getting so excited about getting them.

Hope everyone had a great Turkey Day!!!!

I'm just cleaning. We cleaned up after the feast last night, but didn't get the clean dishes put away and more messes somehow reappeared between the time we cleaned up last night and this morning. Dh popped yummy stove top pop corn for DD and her cousin and it is I need to vacuum. NEVER ENDING!!!!!!!! I'm almost done and I may take DD and her cousin to a movie after we get all the flocks settled.
Oh! Those are so pretty! I can't wait to get mine! Hopefully, they'll make it here soon!

Not much going on today. My tummy's been bothering me since yesterday evening, so I'm not doing a whole lot of anything. Just resting. Well, my little broody is still setting on her clutch of 12 eggs. Not sure where the 12th egg went, but did not see a mess anywhere.
These are due to hatch around December 6th!!
Hopefully, we'll have some new additions soon!

OK - off to rest some more. Just wanted to check in with everyone!
ooh I can't wait to get mine.
well wish me luck 2 of my hens have gone broody but they stopped laying I have a post on it.So I stuck 2 mutt eggs under each of them and we'll see what happens.How many standard eggs can a banty handle?
Oh, those squares are BEAUTIFUL! Have fun working with them!!! Can't wait for the Spring swap! And sk, the chick is so cute - but still doesn't make me want one (much).
I did get out today, against my better judgement. I went to Hobby Lobby, Walgreens, AC Moore, and the grocery store. Surprisingly, there weren't a lot of people out
(of course, I'm sure at 6:00 this a.m. there were more crazies out than at noon.) Spent more @ Food Lion than anywhere else! Thanksgiving w/inlaws got moved to Sunday, and we'll be @ mom's tomorrow evening, so I waited until today to get groceries.
Time for
, and supper. I think it's going to be hamburger soup leftovers.
For those of you w/stores, I hope today was a true "Black Friday" for you!
I just got my squares!....
..They ALL are so beautiful! guys are awesome!!!...and thanks for the cute little chick!...he's adorable!..and scrambled!..what a beautiful charm i recieved!..i cant wait to sew them all together!..
...thanks again guys!..i absolutley love them all!....Wendy
Thanks for the compliments bout 2 of my many cuties! Any idea of what the breeds are? lol

The girls are finally getting thier turkey legs today. Last night was a bad memory day for mommy!! Forgot to make rolls, forgot where I hid my mind..etc... lol
What's the best part of having holiday dinners with no company? More turkey for me!!!! Oh wait, I still have to share ..(glancing over at kids) grrr.

Hey guys, on a more somber note... when you're out buying or making gifts ..don't forget to toss in a lil extra toy for the different toy drives. 2 years ago, before Jim got accepted for disability, we had to register for the salvation army toy drive, just to be able to have gifts for the girls. The Christmas he was hurt, Alyssa was only given a back of the door basketball game, and a juice box holder. So I know how much one of those chinzy cheapo toy can change the thought of a mom or dad on Christmas morning. It's not so much for the kids, as it is parents. Thanks gals.
Hi Skand...and thats a great point to make!..i always try to give something to those charities....and i also tell the state (i do foster care), to take the x-mas funds they would be giving me for the kids and donate the toys kids get plenty so they dont need it...and so many poor little souls get, thanks for bringing it up!...
.. should start a post about that..??, maybe it will remind others to give for the children...thanks, Wendy
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Hey all, Got my squares today
, they had probably been sitting at the PO since Wed., my kiddo didn't check the mail that day,grrr.

The squares look awesome, wish some of you were closer so you could teach me to make the squares you made, after all I am from MO, you have to "SHOW ME", lol.

Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving, I had my little sis and her kids here from TN, one of which was my new three month of nephew, I tried to talk her into letting me keep him until xmas, she didn't go for that??

Everyone take care,
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