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Karan! You crack me up! heh And just this morning I was suggesting to someone to change their page post count to 25... it's on some page somewhere...back this morning.

Algo, I do know how to do that chick now.
animals are my friends.
Squares can make me go crazy, but I can do animals. as long as they aren't too complicated.

My head is spinning today... not sure what's up. Headachey. But I will have one project almost completely done by the end of tonight. woo hoo...

More later. Back to lurking.
Did someone say cookies?
They're coming with me back under my chair.... I get the chair! I get the chair.... Skand's making cookies so I get the chair.
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algo, I am not sure what is wrong with that, I would maybe try again?
it might have been the password instead.

I found the link And it is REALLY REALLY easy.

Unfortunately that link does not have the pattern that I can see. However, Maw just made everyone chicks that pretty much look like that, and the egg part is just half the chick made a little bigger. We will get the pattern figured out for you, Algo.
(like I am some kind of expert. hahaha! I didn't even realize that I just learned this stuff in August! Feels like I have been doing it forever!)
That is soooooo cute. Those would make great easter gifts for the kids. I bookmarked that one.

OHHHHH.....what a week!!!

When my hubby gets home I'm going to get away from my human child and go to the coop and barakade the door and get a cozy blanket and love my feathered children. Nothing like those little eyes. I may even take a drink with me.
Better company than most humans that is for sure, except you girls of course.
They will make it all better. Right now I feel like I could
. I don't want sympathy just a little vent. I know we all feel like this sometimes and it's nice to let it out. That is my plan, hopefully it works out for me.
Chix, vent away. You'll get that from all of us at one point or another.

I am back to lurking. The laundry has turned up the volume to its screaming.

And later for tonight's entertainment: Crickets for the babies! Heee heee! I wish I had a video camera!
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wow, Ive really got to try to stop in everyday otherwise it takes forever to catch up. LOL

What a cute grandbaby Purr. I want grandchildren!

Chicks rule..... sorry about your chick. Accidents suck.

LOL I thought "OMG, Ive been so busy reading here that I dont even know what the staff is doing, I better go check". That was so funny.

Anyway, dont worry. The plan is to leave this and other threads like this intact. Occasionally a thread that has run its course may be closed but not deleted unless it is a game thread with no useful information in it.

I think Okie is right, the ruffle is crocheted around each square prior to assembly.
It reminds me of the Raggety quilts.

Thanks, chix. Id be happy to share my pattern, but it is in NC and Im in CA at the moment. Im sorry. However, I searched and searched for it online and finally found it on the RedHeart website for only $1.99. Here is a link.
Look most of the way down the page. It is called Baby Cupid Booklet.
Here is a closer picture:
I changed the pattern a little on mine and added the yellow BabyLash yarn as a "fur" edging to the hood and around the bottom to make it like a parka.

Ok, coming out from under my chair! I've been driven to craziness here at my house! I can't believe how much I've missed here in just a day or two! I've gone through and seen the latest on everyone!

Thank you to Rocket for checking up on me!

Anyway, things are good here in CA. BIL has been visiting from Rhode Island this past week, so we've been busy with him too! We have to share him with MIL, so he'll be back with us tonight.

I've been sewing like nobody's business as well. I have 2 major projects that need to be done in time for Christmas! Unfortunately, I am Queen Procrastinator. Just can't help it.
I guess I work better under pressure?

GUESS WHAT??? I have a new-to-me Hova Bator with egg turner on it's way to me at this very moment!!! SO EXCITED!! I won it on Eggbid 2 days ago.
DH hardly flinched when I told him. I've been looking for SQ bantam eggs for my girls to hatch for 4-H.

I also have purchased a crochet starter kit for Santa to put in my stocking! Watch out, I'll be bugging all of you for help here very soon! I absolutely LOVE those little Animaguri (sp??) critters!!
Was it Rocket that posted the link for that little mousie??
And the little chick & egg??
if your're queen procrastinator Newchicks, then I am definitely princess procrastinator.

yeah I posted the chick and the mousie. I am trying to find the chick pattern. I think Maw has it.

And now I am going back under my chair.
I think we have a game of musical chairs going here!
So I was at AC Moore looking at yarn the other day (shhh don't tell DH) and I found the neatest things.....
1. a pendant that I put on a piece of yarn and hang around my neck and it has grooves in it that cut the yarn.
2. a circular crochet hook ? what ? yup 2 crochet hooks attached to each other. I have no idea what I'm going to do with it but I had to have it.
3. an acryllic jar by snapware called a yarn-tainer. it has a cover with a whole in it. so you put your yarn in there feed it through the cover and no more skein rolling off the couch and onto the floor. YAY!
Susan/no chicks here. Im holding onto your SS present unti xmas morning

Amy Q I just checked on that tracking # and its saying it was in Waren,pa on 12/8 AFTER I sent it out of morrisdale on 12/5!
Im about due to go out there and open a BIG can of Whoop A on someone!!!!! I'll call that PO on monday and start from there!

LOTS of nasty weather here. 1+ inches of ice/sleet topped off with 4 inches of snow and now the temps are suppose to go into the teens tonight! YUCK...
Well hookers, gotta get a shower!
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