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morning hookers! a lil holiday cheer commin yer way!!







how my day will be spent...
Hi, Ladies!
I'm just popping in really quick to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas

I'm sorry I haven't been able to be on here lately-not only am I trying to recover from the worst sickness I've ever had in my life, but we had a major ice storm here Friday that knocked out our power 28 hours and we just got our wireless yesterday. I just heard we're supposed to get more freezing rain today and it's snowing now, so if you don't hear from me for awhile that's why.

LOL...winter officially started Sunday. I know we northeast Hoosiers aren't the only ones whose winter started long before then

Hope everyone has a wonderful, warm, Christmas!
Everyone is doing wonderful work on his or her hooking projects! Em, such a gorgeous afghan, should be good for snuggling up in all this snow and ice we are getting.

Iced and Snowed in Friends, I feel your pain. We are getting *more* snow today. *sigh* I think I might be close to 18 inches now with the 2 to 4 more we will be getting today.
Everyone stay safe and warm, have a fantastic day and those who are in warm climates, please send us up some sun.




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Good morninnnggg Ganggg (sorry teeth chattering) from the Arctic North Missouri there seems to be more in our future. It did warm up to 17 yesterday. They say the wind is 12 mph well I think it maybe about 25 + right now.

Sorry I haven't been chatting much lately, I have been reading though. Like luvmychix I too have taken some falls this weekend 1st & 2nd just basically bounced as I usually do. 3rd time I found the only slick spot DH hadn't gotten coated with ash, just outside the greenhouse and landed on my left shoulder. Dh said this morning no bruise but it sure is sore.

The round ripple is beautiful. The doggy sweaters are cute. And Scoot your hat is the bomb. Ya all make me look like a snail.

We haven't done much or any decorating here I got out my little fiberoptic tree and one of my gourd Santa's I did a few years ago and the hanging that newchickenfamily Jennifer sent and that's it. For some reason just can't get into the season or something . Don't know.

Mangled I agree with SE give your MIL some nice fruit wine tell her that it's heart healthy or make her a few hot todies or extra spiced hot apple cider. To warm her from the inside out.
My MIL is a very warm, loving and wonderful person, she always buys me sweaters, jackets, purses wallets, ect.. just because she finds something she thinks I would enjoy. Can't say she does that for her other DIL now there will be a MIL to keep the door locked from sure hope who ever our niece marries has a strong mental attitatude. Of course Bella is only 5 so that will be a while.

Well gotta go get some breakfast before getting to the office.

Catch ya all in the wind
hi all, just checking in quickly! Not much time to chat.

The "new guy" "still havent had a name that suits him best) is doing pretty well. Hes more alert and seems to be settlin in for the most part.
We're going to have the vet out again after the holidays to pull some xrays of both front feet though. He looks like he has bowed tendons in the front legs and lots of swelling/stocking up of the hing legs presently.
Hes NOT very happy with me right now due to only feeding him in very small amts every 4 hrs. but hey..He's just going to have to deal with it.
Hope everyone has a great xmas! I'll be in the barn!!!

Scoot good find on the yarn sale

Too bad I didn't see any baby soft yarn on it though, Darn It

SE to answer your question a few posts ago about what type of yarn for the Babyghan, I think anyone that finds a good buy on baby soft yarn should grab it up. Okie did say she like Vanna's Choice, myself I like the Bernat softee chunkie yarns but as long as it's Baby soft go for it.

TB Good news on the new guy, sounds like you got him on a sound feed schedule he needs that for a while, nothing worst than a colicy horse
Hey how about on of a old favorte cartoon name for the fellow. Remember Chilly Willy? That was such a great lil penquin.

I am really trying to get into the Hoilday spirit, but just don't know where it has gone. Finished Christmas cards last night and mailed them out. Gona make some more cookies tonight. And have my brother and sister over for dinner Christmas day. But just doesn't feel like the season to me something's missing, just don't know what it is.
Sorry don't mean to go on about it, it's just strange for me.

Well better get back to the Mad House they call this office

Barns can be good places to spend Christmas, kind of like returning to the roots of the holiday.

Your Majesty, that link you sent with all the yarn on sale...Ooooo I wish Santa was bringing me a big fat check so I could get some! SE, looks like they might have some of those colors, I think it was you, who was looking for colors for that loud colored afghan for your daughter??? I thought I saw names that rang bells with those loud colors...Ack... my brain is frozen with this weather.

I am going to go
now with my pile of books from the library and try to pretend that I have fewer things to do than I do.
OK I guess I better get some stuff done too.

I hope all of you who took diggers in the frozen tundras aren't hurt too much and that you feel better soon!

ETA: Karan I know what you mean. I wish stores and things would stop putting out stuff before Halloween. I start getting numb from resisting the "Christmas Spirit" for so long because it is forced on us sooo early! I haven't even listened to many Christmas songs or anything.
The queen's bling has been most welcome!
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Times up okie.....????
I have dsl through the phone.

Ok Okie what's the deal? Minutes been gone way long ago? I have DSL so what's the thing here????? got our curosity hairs moving up and down our necks. I'm not meowing yet. Just swishing my tail.

Well gona go start something for supper.
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