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I thought so too...would be a good use of our squares and maybe a nice little Christmas gift for folks that make home made things!!...speaking of that..bought time for us to start that Crafters list up again..maybe we should find that old thread and revive it, there were cool pictures of things folks made in it...someone with more time might want to look for it or I'll make a note to do that tonight..that was an awesome thread! Have a great day ya'll...
evening all boy it took me forever to find the thread I guess we are all so busy with our summer projects well thats ok. Hey scrambled hows bout you and me keep the thread going and I figure that after school starts and summers over and all the fairs are behind us then the thread will really pick back up so if you take the mornings I will take the evenings round, and you and me will keep the thread moving along till summer is over, what ya think? Post ya'll later! Mawchickkidie
That'll work Maw...I pretty much post on here everyday anyhow! I'll go back sometime this week and pull your list out of the last post you had it in and put it on a post by itself so it can copied and added too. Have a great day ya'll!

Not meaning to tell you what to do Maw but if you go back to your first post on this thread and change the title to BYC Crochet Granny Square Swap it will come up on the google search engines like a rocket and will be great for recruitment..that is what people search for when they want to be in a swap...Nifty and I talked about that last swap and we came up near the top of all the google searches! Very cool!
Can I join in? I would love to to join this one! I love to crochet & I missed out on the last one. So far this year, I have completed 2 afghans, and I'm about halfway through with a 3rd that I plan to have done in the next week or so. Then I can start on some squares for the swap!
OMG!!! YES!! Any one can join..please do!!! I'll go through the thread and get Maw's list and add you to it, unless she gets to it first..either way..yep, you're in..happy to have you too!!!

If I end up coordinating the swap in the spring..I am going to see what the pre-interest will be in hexagons...that might be fun to switch it up a bit! For this swap, howver, we are doing 6" granny squares..any colors, any pattern and as many squares as there are people on the sign up list..if you do extra they need to be exactly double or triple or so on as the number of people on the sign up list..and hooked together and marked with your screen name..not lose for Maw to have to sort and try to make the numbers right with..tie them together and add your name..but it is important if you do extras to make the numbers match.
Thanks, Darlene! No problem with the amount of squares needed! I'm going to get started on my squares are soon as I finish the Heirloom Afghan I'm working on for my DSIL! I've got to ship it to her in the next couple of weeks.
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I just love that you guys do this!!! I just started back crocheting since I found out I was going to be a first time Grandma.

I am not the best at it but I try real hard and have made a baby blanket for my newborn DGD. Soon as I get my DD to help me load a pic I'll put it in here. I also made DD a lap blanket and will add that too if you guys want a peep at it.

I'm not sure if i'll have the time or not but might join in a swap here soon. Just love looking at all of your nice pictures.
Those are good ones Kris but I finally found THE one, lol! There were sooooo many great things that people made..denim quilts..on and it is..

I finished my granny square bag!!! Yippee!! It'll be awesome for carrying a project in! It looks a bit "hippified" lol!!! I like it though, haha!!! It will come in handy and probably get quite a few comments!! I'll tell eveyone to join BYC and get in the fall swap to get their own squares!!!



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