BYC Drawing Club(NEW!!!)

It was such a busy day that this was all I was able to doodle today.

Next week will be more chill and maybe I'll finally have time to draw some chickens.
I love the way you draw things! So much better than I could do!!!
Hey, guys. I drew these following the steps in a How To Draw Horses book, so they aren't completely "mine", considering another artist made them first.

10:45 PM - 12:00 AM

12:00 AM - 1:00 AM

They are both drawn by ME, using the step-by-step book. I didn't trace them. What do you think? My friends, family, and art teacher say that I have had a sudden acceleration in my artwork.
I wasn't that bad, before, was I? LOL!
HANNAH!! I am so glad you got a book to help you with your horses! Wonderful! I tell you, my first drawings of elephants were tracings. I was 8 years old. Never saw an elephant for real, but I got this nat geo mag in the mail that had elephants, asian and african. I traced them so many times till I was able to draw them on my own. Sometimes, that's the way to learn something when you don't have a guide. Now that you have a guide, you're going to be able to KNOW the proportions are correct when you start to draw them out of your head.
i made an easy 5-steps for yall to draw a simple horse. hope you like it! sorry if its not very good

step 1:

step 2:

step 3:

step 4:

step 5:

and yeah its really really small sorry about that...
Excellent teaching tool.

This is a dog I just got done drawing...
It's not the best but I'm satisfied.. lol
Love the eyes.

You kids on here, you all have such burgeoning talent! Make sure you use it.

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