BYC Drawing Club(NEW!!!)

I did, didn't I? I have a friend who used to be heavy into...*stuff* like that, started out he just thought it was kool, but it became something horrid, and he is really warning me about not getting in too deep into things like knives and blood and kelpies. Even just the swirls I draw on them. (This is before he started coming to church and accepted Jesus into his heart) He watched this movie once with a friend (BAD FRIEND he was older and could have been a good influence on my friend, just about destroyed him instead) and it had a lot of witchcraft in it, where they were fighting with their hands(magic) and stuff and moving things, very demonic stuff, and one guy had designs(in the movie) on his arms and stuff, and my friend thought it would be kool to draw them on himself, well he did, and his eyes turned completely black and he said he had this anger inside him, like he wanted to break things just randomly and it was just like this consuming anger and he had this feeling like he could do anything and when he washed them off it all went away, his eyes went back to normal, he wasn't angry anymore. He also got heavy into dragons once, he wouldn't even tell me anymore after that. Just told me to never even try to draw one, he even said please. Asked me please to never draw anything on myself, and not to read or watch anything with witchcraft in it, he knows people who are, like, REAL and they are demonic and can lift things without touching them, etc. I won't expound. He said once him and a friend were setting down and plotting killing people they knew, and were mad at, and it was like, for real. (still before he got saved) and now he says he looks back and is so scared, he says, what happened to me what was in me, he believes that at one time he had a demon with him, not necessarily in him, but with him. He has told me, he should be dead, and God is the ONLY, only, reason he is still alive. That's a whole other story that I won't go into to prevent everyone who reads this from being at their computers for several hours.
Well, anyways. He just told me I need to be VERY careful with that sort of thing, from experience. I am kind of scared now. I just talked to him in the phone, and he said there's nothing wrong with drawing blood and knives, but he was actually very disturbed when he saw one of my horses with a knife in it, and he said it's not bad, but it's how you're thinking, if you're focusing on killing, and stabbing, and blood, well, that's not good. Obviously.
That's why I'm not drawing them anymore.
Hope I didn't scare anybody there...

Yup, I like Skillet. Listen past the loudness and their dress, and their songs do have a very good message. I was reading a girl's testimony, she was about to kill herself, and she heard a Skillet song, Whispers in the Dark I think it was, and it saved her life. Now, i also love Chris Tomlin, Casting Crowns, and other, slower, softer Christian music.
Wow that was long.
Oops, that should be on the phone, not in the phone . . .
My mum's so used to me writing what one of my friends calls "a depressing story" that me drawing blood and knives and such was expected. She knows I'm generally a happy person, and that I just naturally write and draw dark-themed things.
well i draw dragons, hybred animals, like tiger horses, all sorts of weird stuff that some people would find weird, heck, i got this barbie doll that i do have pics, some were in my galieries (SP) that many people would find, scarey, warp, that type of stuff
I think it's really fun drawing hybrid/mythical animals! I'm currently making a species sheet for my Eastern Towhee Gryphon. I've also drawn Black-Capped Chickadee gryphons.
Some of you guys don't really come across to me as people who would write "depressing", or draw depressing things. Mostly because whenever I talk to ya'll you always seem happy.

The only gory/horrific thing I've ever written was about a character I came up with a while ago. Some of you may remember her.

Onto more happy things; I've never tried drawing a hybrid animal before, but a tiger-horse sounds really cool and fun to make. Mind if I take a swing at drawing one Heny?

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