BYC Equestrian Club

We just got done with our afternoon ride. We had our (nice) neighbors come along..We took the two clydes out, and Bruce. Bruce and Edwaldo got along better than we expected...No problems whatsoever. And the neighbors took their horses.
Here are some pictures.

Bruce waiting to get ready.

Now he's ready, saying "lets go already!"

Danielle and John, neighbors. Danielle is on their horse "Trinket"

Here is Jacie on Araiah, just testing her out.

Edwaldo running towards us, getting ready to go.
Just got back from a lovely ride!!! We rode for 2 hours and got in just as it go so dark we could hardly see.
I worked all day and when I got home hubby had horses saddled and my Best friend, son and I went riding

My Terrific hubby had supper ready for us when we go back. Roast and taters. Chicken chores done and even as we speak he is loading the dishwasher.

i love him soooo!!

My filly/mare did so well, she was trained last year but she hasn't been rode that much. She just walked anlong like a champ.

I'm just getting back into riding after a 17 year hiatus. Until I hit high school and was relocated against my will (thanks Navy), I rode hunter/jumper competitively. It was my life and the only thing I could ever see myself doing. When I stopped riding, I stopped living. Everything just went to hell. I'm so glad I've finally reached a place where I can get back to my real, true love. I'm concentrating on dressage this time. It's so elegant and rich. I'm smitten!

chickenzoo, what breed is the white dog on the right? Could it be a Kuvaz or a Great Pyrnees?

Thats are new Great Pyr puppie, Elmo. We love him. He is so calm and great with the animals but will growl at things he does not know already, but is a sweetie.
I do Equine Rehab here in Pa.. Lots of OTT Tb's and some injuries also. We currently have 11 head of horses here.
Teri /TB
Just finished my ride about an hour ago. Ugh!
I was going around this big field by our house to simulate a cross country course and my gelding was just nuts. He spooked at several invisible things and the UPS truck. Then I was cantering in large circles and he kept popping his shoulder out towards home and not turning. Frustrating! And yes I used my outside leg. A lot.

Hopefully your ride was better?
Maybe he was in one of those moods. I know when we take our filly out with us, she gets that way... The day before she could do a perfect ride, then the next is chaos.
Me and some of the babies...I ride English (Eventing) and Western (trail riding).


Stormy...with my friend


Tb and KMH's in case you were wondering...Couldn't resist a opportunity to share
Sorry bout the different sizes in the pictures

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