I should have been done with my socks by now but Ive been delayed by a teeny tiny stitch that I apparently dropped some rows back. The sock yarn is really fine and the stitches are really tiny so it was a bit of a struggle to get it most of the way back up the ladder. That's as far as it will go so now Im going to take a scrap of yarn and sew the stitch in place on the inside of the sock.

Hello everyone!
Hope everyone's holidays are going or went well.
I saw this topic and decided to ask if anyone knew of an easy 1st time sweater. I have made scarves and hats for almost everyone I know. Also, the blanket thing is overdone here as well.
Now that the holidays are done and all of the bustle is over, I was itching to try a long project for myself. I have always wanted to make a sweater, but I can't seem to find an easy enough one to try. Any help or suggestions are aporeciated.
I'd love to find some time to make a jacket/coat for myself, they're so pretty.

Check the lion brand site or something like tha tfor a free pattern.
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Thank you for the suggestion Wildsky! I found a few that I will take to the yarn store and go over with the instructor there to decide which would be best to begin with! I can't wait to take on such a project.
Now if only my son would go to sleep early each night enough times to finish it so I can wear it this winter.
Pick the one with the least amount of fancy stitches or counting stitches... I hate all that counting and it really spoils it for me. I like to pay attention to other things when I'm knitting.
I did just that. The 3 that I'm looking at use just the garter or St stiches. I need to focus on the in and dec for the sleeves and collars. I love to sit and watch what I want on TV. All day I cater to the 2yo Napolean living in the house. Noggin or music only allowed.
LOL sounds like my house, but mine is a bossy little 5yo madam who has to have it all HER way!

My hubby got me some DVD's so I would love to just sit and watch and knit without counting..... I'm working on slippers for him (STILL) and can't find my copied page of the pattern where I had marked my place. (probably got painted on
or colored in)
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Gardengirl, the raglan sweater pattern is very easy! Its knitted from the neck down, you can put the sleeves on hold and go down to the waist or put the body on hold at any point and finish the sleeves, then finish the body:) I got a raglan sweater booklet many years ago that has directions for sizes from newborn to any size adult, with pics and a family wearing sweaters on the front cover.

If you want, tell me the size you want to do and I can post or pm the directions- your choice of yarn weight, sport or worsted- I don't like making anything w/sport weight, too small diameter of yarn and needles. There is no sewing pieces together on this sweater, either, when you're done, you're done:) Simple, easy, and can also choose between a pullover or a button down sweater, I've made both.

Once that's comfortable, the Icelandic sweaters are also easy, but you can use three color strands for a pattern while the yarn and needle diameter is larger so works up quickly and warmly. Those are knit from the waist up to the neck, the reverse of the raglans.

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