Miss Prissy, I used to feel that way, too. I started with knitted hats and just kept at it. Now I prefer to knit. Still not great at reading patterns, but I learn something new with each new project.
Oh Miss Prissy, I understand your frustrations. I learned how to knit 40 years ago from my Grammy and Auntie. Only knitted a pair of simple slippers before giving it up until just 2 years ago. I did teach myself how to crochet. Took to it like duck in water, but I never liked the way crocheted socks looked. Tried to relearn how to knit many times but it never 'felt' right. the knit stitch was fine, but the purl taught in books wasn't how my fingers remembered it. Finally found and through one of their tutorials, I realized how I was purling was called 'combination'.

From that, I took off. Since I crocheted and was used to holding my yarn in my left hand and working stitches with my right, it was only logical to use the continental way to knit. I started a wash cloth and was totally bored. Before I got a quarter of the way finished, I picked up some #3 DPN and knitted a pair of socks.

Crochet is a lot faster than knitting, but it sure takes more yarn for a project.

NurseELB... How horrible! There must be some excersizes/stretches we can do to help this. Anyone know of any?

Thanks Scrambled Egg! The felted flowers were spun right into the yarn. I hope my niece likes them! She lurves pink and kept commenting on how much she liked the yarn when I was spinning it at Thanksgiving.
I can help with this one. There are several brands of thereputic craft gloves that work well on your hands. I wear them without fail.
My elbow is totally screwed up again.

Nothing to do but rest it, keep it straight and let time pass. I really like seeing what everybody else is doing, though! It's a very cheerful activity for me! It's very nice for all of you to share your pictures and projects with everyone else.
Some amazing stuff here, amazing.
Nurse- do you do a lot of lifting with draw sheets? I can tell you that its cause for many hand and elbow injuries. If you do a lot of lifting or pulling towards you, make sure you have enough material or even a rolled towel in that draw sheet so you do not have a zero grip! Anyone else that pulls at a zero grip, when your finger nails can touch the palm of your hand. What it does is pulls the upper and lower tendons, pulling at your ulnar nerve. I had this happen, 4 cortison shots, 20 years later I still use care as it will flare up.
Also if you cannot handle not knitting, build up the size of the needles, wrap tape, gauze what ever it takes, and it will help.

I was most worried about using circular needles and omg I hate to think of going back to 4 needle anything! But I'll have to. I can't wait to get this sweater done so I can post it on here! I just hope its boyish enough, see his daddy is in the AF and I thought it would be fun to have a red, white and blue sweater! I just feel so darned accomplished!
I'm far from pro with knitting but I do enjoy what I can make. I've made scarves, booga bags and dish cloths, oh a 1 vest, lol. Maybe a couple other things, but I'm very limited in how to knit, lol. I wish I could learn more and faster. Crocheting just works best for me. I've started spinning my own yarn. My progress on that has been saaaaad very saaaad, lol. But it's still fun. Good luck with your knitting!
I knit and crochet. I like the speed of crocheting but I like the drape or feel of knitted fabric better than crocheted. I think crocheting is easier than knitting and I can be more creative with crocheting and it is more forgiving of my mistakes.

No, you're creating 'designer yarn'. A yarn that folks that have been spinning a while would love to be able to do thoughtlessly but can't.

I'd love to see your handspun.

Are you spindling or do you have a wheel? What kind of spindle/wheel?

Should we start a new thread for BYC Spinners??

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