I think an old sweater or sweatshirt from the 2nd hand store would suit you just as well and be a heck of a lot less expensive.

Unless you like spending money ... then I'd be happy to spin and knit (or crochet) you one - with hand spun yarn, you'll be looking at well over $100 for one kid sweater though
I don't know why I was under the impression that you could knit socks with just two single tipped knitting needles ....apparently not.... I guess I have to get the specific needles for the job.
Nikki - you can knit socks with 2 straight needles (I've done it myself). I don't know if there are any free patterns online though, and I've lost the pattern I knitted from...

Just don't give up hope - there will be a pattern out there somewhere for you!

I think an old sweater or sweatshirt from the 2nd hand store would suit you just as well and be a heck of a lot less expensive.

Unless you like spending money ... then I'd be happy to spin and knit (or crochet) you one - with hand spun yarn, you'll be looking at well over $100 for one kid sweater though

I spin my own wool.

I have a Kromski Symphony.

I have a Kromski also ... the Sonata. My other wheel, an Ashford Traveller with jumbo bobbin, is used for plying.

then there's the Ashford traddie I just sold, the late 1700's saxony and the late 1800's walking wheel ..... they just seem to multiply over the years .... just like fiber and yarn and material and looms and needles ...

and chickens!!!
I love it. The Traveller was my main working wheel from 2002 until last May when I got the Sonata. It is the DT, DD with optional scotch tension. I removed the cotton band and put on a stretchy poly-band so it self adjusts the tension as the bobbin fills. I have the jumbo flyer/bobbins for spinning bulky, 'designer/artistic' yarns but mostly use it for plying. I have the WooLee Winder for the Sonata and two full WW bobbins fit comfortably on the jumbo bobbin.

I highly recommend the Traveller.
Hey everyone! Just wanted to share my first felted purse with everyone. The color in the pic is a little off, it is actually on the lemongrass side instead of grey. I got a new digital for Christmas and have to work with the color apparentle.


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