JamB: It depends on how they are raised! The Churro's fleece is supposed to be on the course side of the fine to medium to course scale. Churro fleece is always great for rugs and outer wear. However, they can be bred for a finer fleece. Not so fine as a Merino, mind ou, but far more towards the medium scale. The Churro roving I buy are from covered fleece. Some is destined to be nothing more than rug or outer wear wool, but this particular fleece with the addition of the same colored alpaca, iwill be wonderful for a long lasting pair of socks.

I've known Merino flocks to give nothing more than a medium fleece and Corriedales that have been finer than the average merino. It really depends on the shepherd/shepherdress.
i can't knit but I LOVE yarn so the closest I get to knitting is doing plastic canvas projects.

This is what I'm working on now

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I wanna join the Club!
I'm a knitting nut (have a stash room to prove it) and got myself some goats this spring. I have a giant garbage bag of mohair that I slipped right off of them with a comb last week. It came off like a winter jacket. Now I'm trying to figure out what to do with that.

To the internet I go!
I finally convinced my sweet husband to let me get chickens. I'm pretty sure with the small lot we're on that any other livestock are out of the question. So, unless I can figure out how to card and spin the fur off my cat I'll have to buy my yarn and look wistfully at yours!
I'm knitting at lace qiviut smoke ring right now, on #2 needles, only have about three inches done so far and will make it at least 18" as the previous one I made at 12" was only long enough for a neck/face warmer. The yarn now is lace weight and is 20% silk with less give and the face warmer was about twice that thick and 100% qiviut so fuzzier. I'm experimenting on spinning my own qiviut that I've collected on hikes too, so I've got one bobbin full plied w/some nice corrie roving that I can't wait to dye after I get the second bobbin spun (halfway done). The twist is set on the first bobbin and waiting to dye a purplish color. I wanted to blend alpaca and corrie w/qiviut but so far I was too impatient. I spin on my 16 or 17 year old Ashford Scholar Mark II that I bought, put together and stained Fruitwood when my eldest daughter was only four years old:) I'm collecting hair from our golden retrievers to add to the hair from our now over the rainbow bridge golden to knit an item for that same daughter once I finish up my stash of qiviut.
Here's the corrie roving after just spun:

I haven't taken a pic of the qiviut nor the plied result yet.

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