Hmmm... looking at some instructions today I realize that I knit incorrectly...LOL
Go fig :| I've been twisting my loops when going through the stitch on a knit stitch. I purl right... but knit wrong... LMAO Ah well, caught it soon enough
I'll have to try this "new" way LOL

By the way... I'm much interested in European style..... can someone post a pic of how you hold the yarn in your hand while stitching and maybe one of how you "pick up" the yarn???

easy dish cloth
size 9 needles
cast on 36 stitches
k 4 rows
row 1 k3(k3p3) till 3 stitches left k3 last stitches
row 2 k5(p3k3) repeat () 4 times p3k4
row 3 k3p2(k3p3)repeat() 4 times k3p1k3
row 4 k3(p3k3) repeat() 5 times k3
row 5 k4(p3k3)repeat()4times p5k3
row 6 k3p1(k3p3) repeat () 4 times k3p2k3
repeat rows 1-6 till desired length then repeat row 1 one more time
k 4 rows
bind off
LMAO Yeah, a design feature
Honestly I don't think it made a huge difference.... but it could explain why my stitches are always real tight
I have started knitting a coffee cup designed wash cloth and then I am going to do the towel topper thing and give these as a gift. Not much to show off yet but when I get a few more rows so you can see the design then I will post a picture of it.
Those sound adorable! Please do post a pic when you're done

Oh, and I see I didn't reply to a question...... I made the pattern.... but I think I need to play with it and tweak it a bit more

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