Silkie33, Oh! what things of beauty! The yarn choice is so perfect! Are you ready to try another pair?

I have always wanted to learn how to "carry color" or knit with more than one color at the same time. I will probably get there some day, but there is so much I want to do that its pretty far down the line. One day I saw some similiar mittens on Rav that had cats on them and went to take a look, big mistake, there are so many different patterns with different themes and then so many different people have done each pattern a different, they were all beautiful but it was a bit overwhelming. I was just starting to knit so I went back to my scarves and using some of my multi-colored handspun made a drop stitch scarf. No as intricate as the mittens, but filled my need for lots of color(at the time).

Fantastic job!
Thank-you for the sheep info BonneTerre. Someone recently brought in a flock of the hair type of sheep down the down road. Tufts of their hair is starting to stick to the brush. The sheep I saw yesterday were in the grass seed fields. I thought some might be Romney, nice fiber to spin.

Yes, Romney can be very nice. One of the original breeders, I believe, of Romney in the US lived down 99E toward Junction City. I am not sure if he is still around and I dont believe he has sheep any more, but because of him it makes sense that there are more Romney around. They are pretty easy keepers and were bred for living in marshy areas. LOL, I forgot I knew that.
Thanks ... just got another sock finished ... just one .... the pattern is cool, but fiddly ... trying to talk myself into making the 2nd one before I get started on spinning black corriedale fleece into a sock weight yarn for another shawl (like the one pictured)

I won't cast on the new shawl while I still have a knitting project left to do .... discipline! I've had too many "single sock syndrome" episodes and now have created a 'name' for myself as 'that crazy lady that wears unmatched socks'.

Could be worse....
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Oh no, the dreaded 2nd sock syndrome! Zipping down to the toe decreases on sock #1 this evening.... so many other things to knit.... must not cast on anything else. Does casting on another pair of socks count?
For a while I would have my two socks going at the same time on separate DPNs. Cuff on one, then the other. Sock on one, then the other, etc. I've lost or given away DPNs so now I'm back to one at a time.

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